Government Service Award

This award honors men and women in government service who, in fulfilling their direct duties, have rendered exemplary service, and ideally, have developed and implemented a public policy or program which is foundational or innovative, and significant for the common good. Awardees are also chosen for their consistent integrity, competence, dedication, and sound judgment. Their inspired leadership has encouraged similar service from others, and has promoted partnerships and innovation.



Ana Theresia Hontiveros-Baraquel


Fortunato T de la Peña

Patricia B Licuanan PhD

Austere A Panadero

Jesse M Robredo (Posthumous)

Lilia B De Lima

Benjamin G Caling

Raymundo S Punongbayan (Posthumous)

Haydee B Yorac

Ester A Garcia
Emilia T Boncodin

Tomas P Africa

Criteria for Nomination and Selection

  1. The award is open to all holders of positions in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches and the constitutional bodies of government, at the national or local levels, who have been in government service for at least five years.
  2. Those who have retired or whose terms of office have ended may be considered as long as he or she has not been out of government service for more than three years and was in active service for at least ten years.
  3. The candidate, in the fulfillment of his or her direct duties in government, should have developed and implemented a public policy, program, or activity which is foundational or innovative, and significant for the common good.
  4. Lacking a foundational policy or program, the candidate for the award should have in some other way rendered exemplary service to the common good, such as exercising a preferential option for the poor in the execution of his or her duties.
  5. The person on whom this award is conferred must have consistently shown integrity, competence, dedication, and sound judgment in the course of his or her service in government.
  6. He or she possesses inspired leadership and encourages similar service from others, and promotes partnerships and innovation.