Traditional University Awards

Lux in Domino Award

The Lux in Domino Award is a capstone award that requires the crowning achievement of both life and work given to an extraordinary individual who has incarnated in life, and perhaps even in death, in an outstanding and exemplary manner, the noblest ideals of Ateneo de Manila University. Recipients of the award are chosen exclusively from the ranks of alumni or alumnae of the university.
The title of the award is taken from the motto of Ateneo de Manila, Lux In Domino or “light in the Lord,” which appears in the university seal. Taken from St Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (5:8 “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.”), the phrase traces an ideal and sketches a way of life which the university holds up to her sons and daughters as their path of Christian discipleship. These words illuminate the purposes and aims of the university which point that Ateneo de Manila is Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit.


Edward S Go

Hector L Hofileña

Amado Tetangco Jr

Justice Adolf S Azcuna

Mari-Jo P Ruiz PhD

Dr Edmundo F. Nolasco

Jose P De Jesus

Lorenzo R Relova

Alfredo RA Bengzon MD

Jesus C Palma

Fernando P Hofileña MD
Conrado S Dayrit MD
Voltaire Y Rosales (Posthumous)
Bienvenido A Tan Jr

Jose C. Medina, Jr. (Posthumous)

Juan C. Tan
Manuel Chua Chiaco, Sr.
Enrique T. Novales

Meneleo J. Carlos, Jr.

Luis F. Lorenzo, Sr. (Posthumous)

Roberto A. Gana (Posthumous)

Richard Michael R. Fernando, S.J. (Posthumous)
Raul S. Manglapus

Oscar R. Ledesma

Manuel P. Manahan
Gabriel A. Daza, Sr.
Gaston Z. Ortigas (Posthumous)
Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo
Tomas P. Castro (Posthumous)

Evelio B. Javier (Posthumous)

Criteria for Nomination and Selection

  1. The award is given exclusively to male and female alumni of Ateneo de Manila University. Alumni who are members of the Society of Jesus are excluded from the award.
  2. The person on whom the award is conferred must have lived a life of service which reflects the values of the university as a Filipino, Catholic and Jesuit institution.
  3. He or she serves the Filipino people and nation with the objective of genuine national development.
  4. His or her life reflects the Gospel values described in the Beatitudes.
  5. He or she lives a life guided by the Ignatian spirit of magis and service.
  6. The candidate is a “light in the Lord” to others and lives out in a truly outstanding way the truths and values that the university aims to inculcate in Ateneans.