
Information Portal

Basic Education Full Co-Ed Implementation

Co-educational admission will begin in School Year 2024-2025 for the Kinder, Grade 1 and Grade 7 levels of Ateneo de Manila. By School Year 2029-2030, all Basic Education levels in Ateneo from Kinder to Grade 12 will be fully co-ed.

This portal will update our community and the general public on the school’s preparations for this milestone chapter in Ateneo’s rich and colorful history. It will be a repository of information about the activities related to this challenging undertaking, and will report on adjustments and changes to the curriculum, facilities, infrastructure, uniforms, and more.

Full Co-Education Implementation by 2030 (Memo U2223-059)

(Memo U2223-059) The Board of Trustees approved the full implementation of a co-education scheme in the Basic Education schools by SY 2029-2030

Magis Aspiration to Study a Full Co-Ed Implementation (Memo U2223-024)

(Memo U2223-024) Pursuant to Section 3, Article III of the Corporation’s By-Laws, the Board of Trustees requests from the University community nominations of candidates for consideration and (re-)election to the Board.

AGS Driveway

Admission FAQs

Information on admission to Kinder, Grade 1, and Grade 7 for SY 2024-2025 entry


Help Achieve the Goal

Help Ateneo in achieving this milestone