Employees' Compensation


The Employees’ Compensation (EC) program aims to assist workers who suffer work-connected sickness or injury resulting in disability or death.  The benefits under the EC program may be enjoyed simultaneously with benefits under the social security program.  The compensable contingencies are the following:

  1. Accident occurring while the employee was performing an official function at the place where the work required him to be;
  2. Accident occurring elsewhere while following an order from a superior or University to do something outside of the workplace;
  3. Accident occurring while the employee was performing an act within the time and space limits of employment to minister to personal comfort such as satisfaction of thirst or hunger;
  4. Accident occurred while the employee was going to or coming from the place of work provided there was no diversion from the usual route;
  5. Accident occurred while the employee was engaged in University-sponsored activity (field trip, picnic, seminars, etc.); and
  6. Accident occurred while the employee was on board any vehicle provided by the University such as shuttle buses or service vehicles.
  1. It must be listed as one of the occupational diseases under the law (see Implementing Rules PD 626);
  2. If not listed, there is proof that the risk contracting the illness is increased by the working condition.

The following action/inaction of the employee shall exclude him from being compensated:

  1. Intoxication.

It is the condition wherein the employee is under the influence of liquor or prohibited drugs to the extent that the employee’s acts, words or conduct is impaired visibly as to prevent the employee from physically and mentally engaging in the duties of employment.

  1. Willful intention to injure or kill himself or another.

This is a deliberate intent on the part of the employee to inflict injuries to himself or another.

  1. Notorious negligence.

A deliberate act of the employee to disregard his own safety or ignore established warnings or precautions.
Under the EC the employee is entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Medical services (limited to ward services)
  2. Rehabilitation services
  3. Income cash benefit
  • Temporary total disability or sickness
  • Permanent total disability
  • Permanent partial disability
  1. Death

In order to avail of an EC claim, the employee/supervisor should:

  1. Report to the Human Resources Management Office (HRMO) any accident/injury, sickness or death within five days from the occurrence of the incident.  Please note that there are documentary requirements which have to be filled-up and submitted by the employee/supervisor.  Failure to report the incident and submit the necessary documentary requirements within five days may result in the denial of the EC claim.