
Quality Policy Statement

The Ateneo de Manila exists to contribute to societal advancement through teaching and learning, research, outreach and its support operations. It intends to consistently undertake these at the highest standards. In brief, it exists for quality service; for ‘magis’.

The term ‘quality’ is commonly used in a variety of ways, with differing emphases. In the university, it refers to the habitual drive for thought and action that is undertaken at the highest levels, marked by the following identifying features:

  1. Purposeful. There is a keen rootedness in institutional identity and mission and attaining set university vision and goals. Quality is largely determined by ‘fitness for purpose’.
  2. Transformative. There is recognition that the marker for success is positive change among the students, faculty and staff and the larger community.
  3. Accountable. There is a tenacious focus on stakeholder needs and prescribed standards set by national legislative frameworks or accrediting bodies.

Quality in the university results from a system of continuous improvement that relies on both internal and external quality assurance mechanisms. Efforts to attain quality will be guided by the following:

  1. Educational quality framework
  2. Research quality framework
  3. Community engagement quality framework
  4. Leadership and Management quality framework

Quality assessment will be evidence-based and carried out through tracking of key indicators such as administrative indices; student/community support indices; learning outcomes; operational efficiency and impact assessment.

Building a culture of quality throughout the university is essential and constitutive. The Office of the President leads and manages the process. It is assisted by the Strategy and Quality Management Office which works with various offices in the development and implementation of the various quality frameworks:

  1. Academic units (educational quality framework)
  2. University Research Council (research quality framework)
  3. Office of the Vice President for Social Development (community engagement quality framework)
  4. Office of the Vice President for Finance, Office of the Vice President for Human Resources and the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Information Systems (leadership and management quality framework)


Harvey, L. & Green, D. (1993). Defining Quality, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol. 18:1, (pp. 9-34).

Schindler, L., Puls-Elvidge, S., Welzant, H., & Crawford, L. (2015). Definitions of quality in higher education: A synthesis of the literature. Higher Learning Research Communications, 5(3), 3-13.

CHED. (2005). Institutional Monitoring and Evaluation for Quality Assurance of all Higher Education Institution in the Philippines, (CHED Memorandum Order No. 16).

CHED. (2012). Policy-standard to enhance quality assurance (QA) in Philippine higher education through an outcomes-based and typology-based (QA), (CHED Memorandum Order No. 46).

DepEd-Division of Quezon. (2020). Division quality assurance policy in the new normal, (Division Memorandum No. 160)