
Theology and Ministry Program

The Theology and Ministry Program offers civil degrees in the masteral and doctoral level in theology, biblical exegesis, and pastoral ministry. As the Loyola School of Theology (LST), it has been approved as an ecclesiastical faculty by the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education on 13 August 1999 and has been providing quality theological and pastoral education under the direction of the Society of Jesus. LST offers programs leading to the canonical degrees of Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (STB), Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL), and Doctorate in Sacred Theology (STD). 

Since its foundation in 1965, LST has been serving not only the Philippine Church but the other local churches of Asia and the Pacific as well. Our community is enriched by faculty and students of diverse cultures and different nationalities, all co-learners in our mission “to form priests, theologians, and pastoral ministers who effectively respond to the ecclesial, spiritual, and social concerns of an increasingly missionary Church in Asia." (Vision-Mission)

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