
The Executive Education Program was created to foster cooperation between the private and public sector for national development goals.

The program promotes leadership and governance through modules that orient public officials and politicians in the fundamental elements of leadership.

Executive Education Programs continue to uphold the Ateneo tradition in academic excellence in relation to providing Christ-like services for others. It also offers short and focused training programs that help provide methods and strategies to concretize ethical governance and sustainable development.

The program trains political leaders, civil servants and corporate managers to conceptualize, develop, and manage programs relevant and responsive to the social, economic and political needs of Filipinos. Significantly, the program offers a 'leadership sanctuary', where reform-oriented and value-driven public officials can meet, support and sustain one another.

The Ateneo School of Government is accredited by the Civil Service Commission to conduct training and seminars particularly for government sectors.

Executive Education Training Course

Public Policy and Governance

This training course introduces the participants to the fundamentals of evidence-based policy analysis and development in the public sector. It will ensure the provision of core knowledge about policy-making, including its basic methods, principles, and theories, that will be useful in generating responsive results for making good policy decisions. It will also include topics on the process of evaluation, creation, and dissemination of relevant knowledge to public policy improvement and increased accountability in policy formulation and implementation.


In this training course, the participants are assisted in learning more deeply about their leadership practices in delivering public service. By exploring and appreciating the depths and intrinsic connections between self-development, decision-making, and action called for in navigating the complex path of executive leadership and governance. Every individual or group vested with formal or informal positions of authority and called to step up to the plate of leadership will be challenged to deepen and expand their ability to sharpen their analytical thinking and strategic decision-making, discover and harness social intelligence, inspire others in forging a shared vision, calibrate change management interventions that balance the push and pull of change viz stability of organizations. 

This interactive and reflective course focuses on personal, group, and organizational/institutional perspectives of practicing leadership and governance. The application of critical-strategic thinking, principled action, and decisions-driven values, including skillful collaboration built on interpersonal communication, are emphasized.

The Environmental Governance training course combines technical assistance using data and information (vulnerability assessment) and scientific frameworks for decision-making that would support national and regional key actors and implementers in priority-setting in critical environmental issues. 

This modular training program will address this opportunity to form Planners as Leaders-Servants. 

EnPs are not only technical experts and specialists but also bridging leaders, linking various unconnected stakeholder groups with interests in the LGU's harmonious planning and development. 

The Health Governance training course covers an array of health systems building blocks that inform the student on how to influence and navigate these blocks to create an aligned health strategy and how to implement it. These building blocks are governance and policy, human resources, health services and facilities, access to health technology, and information and communication technology in health and health financing.  A global, national, and local perspective will anchor conversation and instruction.  

By understanding the interdependencies of these building blocks, the student will be able to manage and govern complex health systems that will advance Universal health care more cohesively.

This training course is considered a Sensitizing Package for Local Economic Development.  It will introduce an alternative framework for economic development to maximize the socio-economic potential of a territory.   Encapsulating the background and definition of the LED framework as a viable and complementary tool viz-a-viz traditional local economic development strategies.   Tightening the discussions on local economic development are lessons on the local development planning process and the role of MSMEs in the local economy.  A discussion will also cover pro-poor growth, decent employment creation, and poverty reduction.   This training course is a strategic dialogue to be used in creating an enabling environment for LED.


This is an economics subject that looks at how government makes choices on raising revenues and distributing them. It examines the rationale and effectiveness of different modes of government financing and the effects of these alternatives on equity and development. Students are required to appreciate data and analyze their implications on politics, bureaucracy, and development.

Public finance deals with how the government steers the development of a country. The government uses its taxing power to transfer resources from the private sector to its coffers. The resources that it collects are allocated through the budget.

The bottom line is to enable the learners and participants to analyze policies, practices, and programs in public finance so that they can participate intelligently in public discussions, apply the principles of public finance in their own sphere of work, and appreciate the values that are needed to use public finance in promoting the welfare of the Filipinos.


Skills Development for Career Advancement

The training course will provide extensive knowledge and competencies in project management to the participants in order to effect and institutionalize systematic planning and management of project initiatives. It is geared towards re-examining the concepts and practices in providing solutions to the challenges faced by the participants' organizations. It is designed to provide proven concepts, tools, approaches, and techniques that strengthen participants’ knowledge and practice in developing, designing, and implementing sustainability-driven projects that aim to increase the performance and successful completion of projects and programs.

The training course provides constructive engagement between citizens and government in monitoring the government’s use of public resources to improve service delivery, protect rights, and promote community. It aims to strengthen accountability and transparency as a process by which stakeholders influence and share control over priority-setting, policy development, resource allocations, and/or program implementation.

The course aims to provide public sector leaders and managers with strategic and operational knowledge and skills to address key human resource management and development (HRD) and strategic organization development (OD) issues. The coursework will focus on understanding complex change, strategic HRD, strategic change management, and organization development within and across organizations. Complementing topics include systems thinking and strategic thinking. 

The course aims to develop, capacitate, and equip the participants with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use and deploy socio-economic, political, health, and government datasets in responding to cross-cutting and multifaceted public problems of Philippine society. In light of today’s pressing national concerns as well as disruptive events across the globe, emphasis on science-informed, evidence-based, and anticipatory solutions is essential through incisive analysis and scoping of all data and information available. 

The course will also introduce the fundamental knowledge and application of basic statistics, or what is popularly known as Quantitative Data Analytics (QDA). With the increasing use of big data, it is imperative that people from both the public and private sectors acquire the competencies to effectively collate, apply, interpret, and visually present datasets as value-added information for decision-making in this 21st century.


Ateneo School of Government

+63 2 8426-6001 ext 4649

Tuesdays - Saturdays
+63 2 8426-6001 ext 4645
Registrar +63 2 8426-6061


+63 2 8426-6001 ext 4643

+63 2 8426-6001 ext 4624



Pacifico Ortiz Hall, Fr. Arrupe Road, Social Development Complex
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108 Philippines

Mondays - Fridays
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM