
What makes Ateneo college education distinctive is the deliberate weaving together of the core curriculum majors, and co-curricula. The content, approach, and overall experience of learning imbue graduates with both specialized disciplinary training and holistic formation. The importance given to the liberal arts, interdisciplinarity, service-learning, and formation mark Ateneo's Jesuit identity.


Ateneo de Manila believes learning should encompass your overall development, giving you the tools and skills necessary to build a career, to realize your full potential as an individual, and to become a responsible and engaged citizen.

Student-centered learning places you at the heart of instruction. Teaching facilitates active participation and independent inquiry, and instills in you the joy of learning inside and outside the classroom.

How and when you learn is just as important. Ignatian pedagogy emphasizes learning, grounded in experience, repetition for depth, the provision of many examples and exercises to ensure mastery, and constant guidance and personal care (cura personalis). This process of self-reflection on deeper meaning and purposes leads to a careful weighing of options and considered action.

Your Ateneo college journey will hopefully transform you into a person of competence, conscience, compassion, and commitment. An Ateneo education does not simply prepare you for a job; it prepares you for life.

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College Admissions

Information on admission to the college degree programs of Ateneo de Manila University, including information on scholarships and financial aid

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The Ateneo College Experience

Your Ateneo college experience will be one of the most defining and memorable experiences you will have. Live, thrive, and grow in a community that is diverse, lively, welcoming, and safe.