Master in Information Technology Integration

Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment

This program prepares students to use a wide variety of technological tools and media to support teaching and learning. It covers the production and management of learning resources and educational media and the application of technology to enhance the teaching-learning environment. Students are prepared to conduct scholarly research that will address relevant issues related to the use of educational media and technology in their own school setting.


Required Subjects (9 Units)

  • EDUC 201 Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 292 Methods and Materials of Research
  • EDUC 293 Statistics for Teachers


Field of Concentration Subjects (18 Units)

  • EDUC 241 Modern Trends and Directions in Curriculum and Teaching
  • EDUC 245 Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
  • EDUC 251 Media and Technology Application
  • CSCI 240 Instructional Software Design and Development
  • CSCI 241 Learning Theory and Instructional Software Design
  • CSCI 242 Human Computer Interaction


Electives (6 Units)

  • EDUC 211 Ignatian Philosophy of Education
  • Any graduate-level subject offered by GBSEALD and/or other graduate departments with the approval of the Academic Adviser.


Comprehensive Examinations (6 Units)

  • EDUC 296 Comprehensive Examinations

Upon completion of the coursework, the students must take and pass a written comprehensive exam.  The comprehensive exams will cover the courses under the field of concentration except for EDUC 251.


Project Development and Presentation (6 Units)


  • EDUC 298.2 Project Development and Presentation I
  • EDUC 298.3 Project Development and Presentation II


The units for the project are credited after the student passes the oral defense and submits the final revised copy of the project