Graduate Programs

MS in Sustainability Management


As a graduate of MSSM, you will be able to demonstrate the following program outcomes:

  • To analyze management problems and Issues using the perspectives of systems thinking and sustainable development
  • To develop creative systems and sol;utions to management concerns, such as the implementation of sustainability vision and strategy,  minimization of ecological footprint, development of sustainable organizational culture, green marketing, and sustainability development
  • To develop tools and competencies that may be required by new situations and contexts

MS in Sustainability Management has pre-requisite courses, which may have been taken in the undergraduate level. Graduates of a management course generally do not need prerequisite courses

Pre-requisites(Minimum number of units indicated)

  • 3 units of Finance and Accounting
  • 3 units of Organizational Behaviour
  • 3 units of Marketing
  • 3 units of IT
  • 3 units of Economics
  • 3 units of Statistics
  • 3 units of Operations Management
  • 3 units of Science and Society

Core Courses (3 x 3 units)

  • LS 200:Principles of Strategic Management
  • EC271: Applied Economics for Managers
  • SOM 200: Research Methods( or any 3-unit research methods from Psychology, Economics,  Socicology-Anthropology, or Mathematics relevant to future research  and approved by academic adviser)

Major Courses (6 x 3 units)

  • DEC 240.50: Systems Thinking for sustainability
  • POM 240: Introduction to  Industrial Ecology
  • FIN 240:  Environmental Finance
  • ACC 240: Green Accounting
  • ACC 241: Sustainability Reporting
  • SOM 210: Research Report (Thesis proposal)

Electives (3 x 3 units)

  • Greenhouse Gas Reporting
  • Corporate Sustainability
  • Business Continuity, Sustainability, and Innovation
  • Leadership and Management Communication
  • Business Negotiation for Sustainability
  • Philippine Laws on Sustainability and Innovation
  • Other 200-Level courses from JGSOM, DS, ES, Economics, Psychology, Socio-Antrophology, with approval from academic adviser

Comprehensive Units (0 units)

Proposal Defense (0 units)

Thesis Units (6 units): SOM 211.02 - 211.02
Total Units: 42 units

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is sustainability management?

The field of study incorporates sustainable development with various aspects of management, e.g., enable organizations to implement sustainability vision and strategy, minimize ecological footprint, develop sustainable organizational culture, promote green marketing, and undertake sustainability reporting.

  1. What value will MSSM add to my career?

MSSM aims to develop graduates who can analyze management problems and issues using the perspectives of systems thinking and sustainable development; develop creative systems and solutions to management concerns regarding sustainable development; and develop tools and competencies for sustainability as may be required by new situations and contexts. Graduates may thus serve as consultants for local and international companies looking for consultants in sustainability strategies, implementation of sustainability initiatives, and sustainability reporting, among others. They may also bring the sustainability perspective into their own businesses and use it to improve their brand and reputation. Furthermore, there is a growing trend among companies to have sustainability officers, some of whom are at senior management level.

  1. What is the difference between MSSM and Master in Environmental Management (MEM)?

MSSM focuses on the incorporation of sustainability in business/industry, while the MEM focuses on environmental resource management and policy.

  1. What is the difference between MSSM and environment degrees in other schools in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, environment degrees being offered have a stronger base in the natural and social sciences.

  1. Do I need to take pre-requisites to enroll for MSSM?

Graduates of a management course generally do not need additional courses. Graduates from other degrees would need the following pre-requisite courses:

  • 3 units of Finance and Accounting (Acc 15 or its equivalent)
  • 3 units of Organizational Behavior (L&S 100 or equivalent)
  • 3 units of Marketing (Mkt 101/102/103 or equivalent)
  • 3 units of IT (ITM 11/14, CS 30, or equivalent)
  • 3 units of Economics (Ec 102 or equivalent)
  • 3 units of Statistics (QMT 11/12/109 or equivalent)
  • 3 units of Operations Management (POM 102/104/105 or equivalent)
  • 3 units of Science and Society (Sci 10 or equivalent)

The Program Director will evaluate the candidates transcript and will recommend pre-requisites as may be necessary.

  1. What courses would I need to take for MSSM?

MSSM has 12 courses (3 required, 6 major, 3 electives); comprehensive exams; and a thesis.
Required courses (3)

  • LS 200: Principles of Strategic Management
  • EC 271: Managerial Economics (pre-requisite: Basic/undergraduate Eco)
  • SOM 200: Research Methods (survey of research methods used in management science)

Major courses (6)

  • DEC 240.50: Systems Thinking for Sustainability
  • POM 240: Introduction to Industrial Ecology
  • FIN 240: Environmental Finance
  • ACC 240: Green Accounting
  • ACC 241: Sustainability Reporting
  • SOM 210: Research Report (Thesis Proposal)

Electives (any 3)

  • A research methods course from JGSOM, ES, Economics, Psychology, Sociology-Anthropology, with approval of academic adviser
  • ACC 241.60: Greenhouse Gas Reporting
  • LS 201: Corporate Sustainability
  • LS 230.50: Business Continuity, Sustainability and Innovation
  • LS 240: Leadership and Management Communication
  • LS 241: Business Negotiation for Sustainability
  • LM 201: Philippine Laws on Sustainability and Innovation
  • Other 200-level courses from JGSOM, ES, Economics, Psychology, Sociology-Anthropology, with approval of academic adviser


  1. How do I apply for the MSSM program?

Proceed to the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs to process your application for MSSM. This will include an admission test, the submission of application requirements, and an interview.

  1. Sample Sequence
Yr 1  Sem 1 Yr 1 Sem 2
LS 200 Principles of Strategic Management POM 240 Industrial Ecology
Ec 271 Managerial Economics Acc240 Green Accounting
SOM 200 Research Methods Acc 241 Sustainability Reporting
DEC 240.50 Systems Thinking for Sustainability Elective 1
Fin 240 Environmental Finance Elective 2
Integrative Case Study
Elective 3
Yr 2  Sem 1 Yr 2 Sem 2
SOM 210 Research Report (Proposal Defense) Thesis 2
Thesis 1  


Contact Information
MS in Sustainability Management program

Raquel C Olpoc
Program Director