Undergraduate Programs

BS Information Technology Entrepreneurship


The world of technology, especially information and communications technology (ICT), is inducing sweeping changes in how people live, work, communicate, and entertain themselves. These changes create exciting new opportunities for aspiring young tech startup co-founders.


The BS in Information Technology Entrepreneurship, or the ITE program, is designed to create a structured yet vibrant environment for students to become the next generation of high-impact tech startup co-founders


ITE:RATE - Information Technology Entrepreneurship: Research, Application, Transformation, and Entrepreneurship - is ITE’s forward-thinking framework that endorses the mindset of iterative and incremental design and development. Through blending rigorous academic research with hands-on application, the ITE program cultivates an environment conducive to continuous improvement and progressive refinement. This transformative approach nurtures entrepreneurial grit, empowering students to adapt, refine, and innovate, ultimately leading them to develop impactful technological solutions in a dynamic digital world. Success is viewed not with the pursuit of correct solutions but as the ability and attitude to embrace failure and vulnerability to improve oneself sustainably.


The program curriculum begins with working on startup ideas driven by real human problems and needs. This is then shortly followed by a strong foundation in IT fundamentals that will enable you to turn your IT-based product idea into a working prototype and adds to this an overlay of management courses and a business incubation program that will help you to bring your product to market. Failures experienced throughout the program are valuable learning moments—equally crucial as successes. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship programs taught through a business and management lens, the ITE program is handled less-structured, more flexible, and dynamic, heavily emphasizing continuous feedback from mentors, customers, and potential investors. Students are encouraged to participate in startup events here and abroad—not necessarily as students but as valuable resources with expertise to share—whether in user experience design, product management, or software development.


Students who complete the program will not be looking for new jobs when they graduate: they will be offering jobs to other young graduates looking to become part of the next-generation business success story.

Required Major Courses

Management Courses

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Applied Statistics
  • Business Law and Taxation
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation Management
  • Philippine Business Environment: Policies and Programs for Enterprise Development
  • Special Topics in Production and Operations  Management: Service Management
  • Cost Accounting
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Marketing Management
  • Service Management
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility
  • Labor Law and Social Legislation
  • International Business and Trade
  • Leadership and Business Ethics Elective
  • Marketing Elective

I.T. Courses

  • The Digital Economy
  • Introduction to Programming I and II
  • User Experience Design
  • Programming Elective

Entrepreneurship Courses

  • Technology Venture Planning
  • Technology Venture Laboratory
  • Technology Venture Startup I and II
  • Technology Venture Implementation I

The B.S. Information Technology Entrepreneurship program is designed to create a structured and vibrant environment for young, aspiring entrepreneurs who are bold enough to set up their own information technology company. The program has a strong enough information technology base to enable students to appreciate what is possible with current technology and to come up and develop working prototypes of new product ideas. It also has an overlay of business courses that will give students an appreciation of the challenges of business, and an eye to spot market opportunities, so that the products they come up with are not just technically feasible, but economically feasible and commercially viable as well. Integrated into the program is a set of entrepreneurship courses that will guide the students as they turn their business plans into businesses with going concerns.
Program Learning Outcomes

Through the IT Entrepreneurship Program, students will:

  • Develop a global perspective for use in nation building
  • Use interdisciplinary, analytical, and sustainable approaches in creating innovative business models
  • Develop technical proficiency in their areas of business concentration or major
  • Show an understanding of how to exercise personal moral and ethical standards
  • Demonstrate an understanding of transformative service leadership principles

Over and above these program outcomes, the IT Entrepreneurship Program has the following Program outcomes.

A graduate of IT Entrepreneurship program should be able to...

  1. Produce Business Models and Business Plans for any IT venture that can scale from local to global markets
  2. Choose the right business and technology partners across geographic boundaries and from different Domains to complement one's own solutions to deliver better market fit.
  3. Combine the appropriate tools, techniques, frameworks, content, and platforms for business, technology, and human-centered design to launch and sustain viable of IT ventures
  4. Manage diverse groups or teams to achieve desired goals within the context of a local or global IT venture
  5. Defend the importance and need for intellectual property for technology-based business proposals
  6. Formulate the right leadership approaches to apply, depending on situations and within the context of IT ventures and operations
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Contact Information
BS Information Technology Entrepreneurship program

Joseph Benjamin Ilagan
Program Director
Rhembrandt Van Ryn E Magsino
Program Secretary

BS ITE Program on Facebook