Undergraduate Programs

BS Management of Applied Chemistry


BS Management of Applied Chemistry is the first academic program of its kind in the Philippines - a combination of Management and Chemistry. Launched in 1995, it is designed to develop managers and entrepreneurs for chemistry-based industries: business people with a strong technical background and working familiarity with the chemical processes used in manufacturing operations.

This 4-year program draws together courses from the disciplines of Management and Chemistry to create a science-based entrepreneurship program with a strong hands-on and project orientation. Chemistry is taught from a more applied perspective, and the accompanying laboratory work will focus on more practical approaches.

The Industrial Chemistry course, designed specifically for students enrolled in this program, will expose MAC majors to basic manufacturing processes and operations of chemistry-based industrial concerns, using a combination of lectures and plant visits. Students are also given hands-on experience in the production of a wide range of chemical-based products, such as paints, essential oils, and food flavorings.

The centerpiece of the program is a sequence of courses that requires students to use market research to identify unfilled product niches in the market, go to the laboratory to design the product that will fill this niche, and then create and execute a business plan to launch and market this new product.

Students who would like to start up their own small-scale manufacturing ventures or work in businesses dealing with chemistry-based products such as pharmaceuticals, processed foods, rubber, personal care products and plastics will benefit from the training provided by this program.

Program Learning Outcomes

Through BS Management of Applied Chemistry, students will:

  • Develop a global perspective for use in nation building
  • Use interdisciplinary, analytical, and sustainable approaches in creating innovative business models
  • Develop technical proficiency in their areas of business concentration or major
  • Show an understanding of how to exercise personal moral and ethical standards
  • Demonstrate an understanding of transformative service leadership principles

Over and above these program outcomes, the Management of Applied Chemistry Program has the following additional Program outcomes.

A graduate of the Management of Applied Chemistry program is able to:

  • Analyze and identify an unfilled product need in the market
  • Apply knowledge of Chemistry, its foundations and applications in product development
  • Apply knowledge of Management, its tools and applications in business development and management
  • Gain an understanding and knowledge of the processes, concerns and challenges of a business entity.


In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, it is important for managers and entrepreneurs not just to understand the markets that they serve, but to have a deeper appreciation of the products that they manufacture and the processes used to produce them.
The MAC program covers all major functional areas of both Management and Chemistry, to provide its graduates with a strong science and technology base that can provide them with a competitive edge, whether they go on to start up their own micro-venture or go to work for a major manufacturing concern.
Some of the products MAC students have developed

  • Alcogel hand sanitizer
  • Alcohol infused ice cream
  • Anti-flea pet spray from Limonene
  • Biodiesel
  • “Clear Whites”, whitening strips
  • “Coco Loco”, flavored virgin coconut oil
  • “Itch Gone”, anti-itch gel
  • “Liquiplast”, liquid bandages
  • Luminescent paint
  • “Palut”, the preserved balut
  • “Quick and Easy”, shoe wipes
  • “Suds”, soap pellets
  • “Sureseat”, toilet seat disinfectant
  • “Swipe”, erasable highlighting pen
  • Zero-nicotine cigarettes

Career Options for Our Graduates:

  • Academe
  • Brand Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Family Business Management
  • Financial Management
  • Management Consultancy
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management
  • Product Management
  • Product Research and Development
  • Production Management
  • Quality Control Management
  • Sales Management


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Contact Information
BS Management of Applied Chemistry program

David Edward Jimenez
Program Director
Rhembrandt Van Ryn E Magsino
Program Secretary

BS MAC on Facebook