Undergraduate Programs

BS Management


The BS Management program is devoted to developing the next generation of high-impact entrepreneurs by giving students not just the theoretical frameworks but also the practical experience that will maximize their potential for future business success.

The program curriculum is designed to develop in our students the sort of entrepreneurial eye and attitude that will help them to see opportunities where other might see problems, to innovate where others might be contented to simply keep things the same, to say “I will do it” where others might be contented to simply wait for someone else to do it.

To achieve this, the major curriculum of the program is heavily project-oriented, with an emphasis on experiential and hands-on learning, rather than just classroom-based and textbook learning.

Over the four years of the program, students are given multiple opportunities to hone their business planning skills.

The centerpiece of the program is a culminating and integrating project where students are organized into micro-enterprises and tasked to run a business during their senior year. Many students have gone on to become entrepreneurs after graduation, with their senior year micro-enterprises serving as the take-off points for their business ventures.

By the time they graduate, students have the requisite skills in each of the different business disciplines necessary to effectively and efficiently manage and lead any type of organization. More importantly, they should have the sort of entrepreneurial attitude and outlook that will help them to be effective change agents, innovators, and leaders, whether as founders of their own business ventures, or as managers in the largest multinational corporations.

The JGSOM Business Accelerator, or SOMBA program, as well as the JGSOM Student Enterprise Center, or JSEC, are just two of the most exciting experiential learning opportunities available to students who wish to pursue the entrepreneurial tract in earnest.


Why BS Management?

The program seeks to maximize the student’s chance for entrepreneurial success through…

  • giving them the theoretical managerial tools,
  • exposing them to a global perspective,
  • providing them hands-on experience and
  • enhancing their networking and leadership opportunities

Our objective is to prepare our students to become leaders in their business field by developing an enterprise perspective that understands the interconnectedness of human resource, marketing, finance and operations. Strategic or functional courses are taught by a faculty of successful experienced professionals and globally educated academics. We have designed a highly integrated cross-functional curriculum that culminates with a hands-on year-long project that requires our senior students to plan and fully implement an entrepreneurial venture.

BS Management is the largest undergraduate program of Ateneo. Through the four-year program our students come to rely on each other for intellectual support. Together they learn to assess and take risks in order to meet individual and group goals. Through this high-engagement environment, our students inevitably build strong personal relationships with each other that develop on to a wide professional network after graduation.

Career Prospects

Alumni Testimonials

Contact Information
BS Management program

Alyson Yap
Program Director
Ruby Rizza Mandafe
Program Secretary