
Bulletin of Information

The Loyola Schools Bulletin of Information 2020 summarizes the programs of study, academic requirements, and course offerings for the undergraduate or graduate levels of the Loyola Schools of the Ateneo de Manila University.


LS BOI 2020 cover


version 1.0 May 2021



The Undergraduate Bulletin of Information is published by the Loyola Schools Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Office of the Registrar, and the Office of the Vice President for the Loyola Schools.


DISCLAIMER: The 2020 Undergraduate Bulletin of Information summarizes the programs of study, academic requirements, and course offerings, among others. While great care has been taken in the preparation of this bulletin, we do not assume responsibility for possible errors, omissions, or changes in the information provided. The Loyola Schools of the Ateneo de Manila University reserves the right to change its admission, registration, and graduation requirements as necessary. Should there be any discrepancies between this bulletin and official documents of the Office of the Registrar or the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the official documents shall take precedence.

Coming Soon



The Graduate Bulletin of Information is published by the Loyola Schools Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, the Office of the Registrar, and the Office of the Vice President for the Loyola Schools.

DISCLAIMER: The 2020 Graduate Bulletin of Information summarizes the programs of study, academic requirements, and course offerings of the Ateneo de Manila University. While great care has been taken in the preparation of this bulletin, we do not assume responsibility for possible errors, omissions, or changes in the information provided. The Loyola Schools of the Ateneo de Manila University reserves the right to change its admission, registration, and graduation requirements as necessary. Should there be any discrepancies between this bulletin and official documents of the Office of the Registrar, the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, or Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, the official documents shall take precedence.

Copyright © 2020 Loyola Schools, Ateneo de Manila University