Office for Social Concern and Involvement


The Office for Social Concern and Involvement is the unit of the Ateneo de Manila University’s Loyola Schools which is principally responsible for the social formation of undergraduate students through area engagements that provide meaningful encounters between students and marginalized communities as well as those who work to address problems of marginalization.



Following the Ignatian Pedagogical Tradition, the Office for Social Concern and Involvement (OSCI) seeks to deepen social awareness and intensify the passion for social involvement among Loyola Schools students in order to create positive impact among marginalized communities.


Through its formation programs, the OSCI

  1. Raises awareness of the reality of poverty and fosters solidarity action and advocacy work;
  2. Utilizes service-learning as a pedagogical strategy across various academic disciplines; and
  3. Serves as a principal link of the Loyola Schools to marginalized communities.

Our Programs


Binhi is a formation program designed for first year students taking the Understanding the Self (SocSc 11) course. It enables students to understand themselves better through engaging in social and cultural-historical processes within and outside of their social milieu. It serves as an opportunity for students to reflect on their own selves and how they affect and are affected by society. It helps students understand how the self is a product of socialization and one’s environment. The role of one's agency is also highlighted with regard to the community's circumstances.

Under the Integrated Ateneo Formation Program (InAF), it is part of the Introduction to Ateneo Culture and Traditions (InTACT) and serves as the exposure component of this first-year formation program for the Ateneo de Manila University students.


Punla is designed for sophomores taking Theology of the Catholic Social Vision (THEO 12) and enrolled in the National Service Training Program (NSTP 11). It aims to deepen students’ social awareness through engagements in one of the vulnerable sectors of our society. The area engagements provide opportunities for students to build relationships in their respective communities or institutions.

It is hoped that the students gain a better understanding of the self, kapwa, and our society. Its design is based on the pastoral cycle framework which has immersion/area engagement in a particular marginalized sector of our society as its highlight. In this program, it is essential that a deepening of students’ experiences is achieved through social analysis, theological reflection, and pastoral action.


Bigkis is designed for juniors taking the Economy, Society, and Sustainable Development (SocSc13) and the National Service Training Program (NSTP 12) courses. It aims to provide students with opportunities to respond to the needs of marginalized communities or organizations through service-learning research or projects. It also aims to involve students in activities that would help them define themselves in the world and be more discerning of their role in our society. Lastly, it hopes to weave together and synthesize students' learnings from the different formation programs.

The program aims to put into practice the students’ abilities, skills, and competence in their chosen profession in responding to the call for service.

Student Formation Updates

Office for Social Concern and Involvement

Loyola Schools

Manuel V Pangilinan Center for Student Leadership
Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights campus
Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights
1108 Quezon City

For general inquiries