Information on

Committee on Graduate Students Concerns (CGSC)


The Committee on Graduate Students Concerns or CGSC is the body recognized by the Loyola Schools administration to attend to the concerns of the graduate students of the Loyola Schools. These concerns encompass the whole range of graduate students’ school involvement.

CGSC members represent the graduate community in the different committees within the Loyola Schools namely the Administrative Council, School Forum, School Council, Curriculum Committee, Graduate Programs Committee, Standards Committee and the Discipline Committee.

CGSC consists of department representatives appointed by the department chairs and approved by the ADGP. An executive committee consisting of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary-general is created within the selected representatives.

Mission and Vision of CGSC

Our mission is to represent, and serve the Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools graduate community.

Our vision is to foster the identity of being “Professionals for Others” in the Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools graduate community.

Contact Details