
List of Approved Journals and Publishers



Below are the lists of non-Scopus but peer-reviewed journals and publishers recognized by the nine Schools of the Ateneo de Manila University, compiled by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Creative Work, and Innovation.

These lists are also used by the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Graduate Education for graduate students.

Ateneo Graduate School of Business

  • Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility
  • Asian Sport Management Review
  • The Business Case Journal
  • Business Research
  • Customer Needs and Solutions
  • International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Jesuit Higher Education: a Journal
  • Journal of Case Studies
  • Journal of Jesuit Business Education
  • Journal of Management for Global Sustainability
  • The Synergy Journal


Ateneo School of Law

  • Berkeley Journal of International Law
  • Cambridge International Law Journal
  • Kluwer Law International
  • Refugee Review (Emerging Scholars & Practitioners on Migration Issues)
  • Sydney Law Review
  • World Comparative Law / VRU
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Routledge
  • SAGE Publications
  • Springer
  • Strengthening Human Rights & Peace Research and Education in ASEAN / Southeast Asia (SHAPE SEA)

Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health

  • Acta Medica Philippina
  • Journal of ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies
  • Journal of Medicine UST 
  • Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society
  • Journal of the Philippine Medical Association
  • Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development
  • Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine
  • Philippine Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  • Philippine Journal of Nursing
  • Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 
  • Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery –
  • Philippine Journal of Psychiatry
  • Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
  • Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties
  • Philippine Journal of Urology


Ateneo School of Government

  • Horizons
  • Journal of Government and Economics
  • Philippine Journal of Development
  • Philippine Journal of Public Policy
  • Philippine Review of Economics
  • Anvil Publishing
  • ISEAS- Yusof Ishak Institute
  • Oxford University Press
  • Palgrave MacMillan
  • Philippine Institute for Development Studies
  • World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

Gokongwei Brothers School of Learning and Design

  • Academic Leadership Journal
  • Active Learning in Higher Education
  • American Educational Research Journal
  • American Journal of Distance Education
  • Asia Pacific Education Review (Springer)
  • Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
  • Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
  • Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
  • British Journal of Educational Technology
  • Canadian Public Policy
  • Comparative Education Review
  • Computers in Education
  • Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
  • Currents in Teaching and Learning
  • Curriculum Inquiry
  • Distance Education
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Education and Information Technologies
  • Education Economics
  • Education Policy Analysis Archives
  • Educational Administration Quarterly
  • Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
  • Educational Policy
  • Educational Studies
  • Educational Technology & Society
  • Educational Technology Research & Development
  • Elementary School Journal
  • Higher Education
  • Higher Education Research and Development (Taylor and Francis)
  • IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
  • Innovations in Education and Teaching International
  • Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning
  • International Higher Education
  • International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
  • International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
  • International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership
  • International Journal of Educational Development (Elsevier)
  • International Journal on E-Learning
  • The Internet & Higher Education
  • Journal of Computing in Higher Education
  • Journal of Curriculum Studies
  • Journal of Education Finance
  • Journal of Education Policy
  • Journal of Educational Administration
  • Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
  • Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence 
  • The Journal of Higher Education
  • Journal of Interactive Learning Research
  • Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
  • Journal of Research on Leadership Education
  • Journal of Research on Technology in Education
  • Journal of Scholarship & Practice (AASA)
  • Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology
  • Journal of Transformative Learning
  • Learning and Instruction
  • Learning, Media and Technology
  • MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
  • Online Learning Journal
  • Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
  • Philippine Sociological Review
  • Planning and Changing: An Education Leadership and Policy Journal
  • Quarterly Review of Distance Learning
  • Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
  • School Leadership and Management
  • Studies in Educational Evaluation
  • Studies in Higher Education
  • Teaching and Learning Inquiry
  • Technology, Pedagogy and Education
  • Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc.
  • Ateneo de Manila University
  • Boston College
  • Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • Cambridge University Press
  • De La Salle University
  • Far Eastern University
  • Harvard University
  • Multilingual Matters
  • Oxford University Press
  • Palgrave Macmillan
  • Princeton University Press
  • Routledge
  • SAGE Publications
  • Springer
  • Taylor & Francis
  • University of Santo Tomas
  • University of the Philippines
  • Wiley

John Gokongwei School of Management

  • Advances in Management & Ethics Research
  • AMS Review
  • Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility
  • Asian Sport Management Review
  • The Business Case Journal 
  • Business Research
  • Customer Needs and Solutions
  • DLSU Business & Economics Review
  • Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP Journal)
  • International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Jesuit Higher Education: a Journal
  • Journal of Case Studies
  • Journal of Jesuit Business Education
  • Journal of Management for Global Sustainability
  • Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations
  • Philippine Management Review
  • The Synergy Journal
  • Academy of Marketing Science
  • Ateneo de Manila University Press
  • DLSU Press / De La Salle University Publishing House
  • Emerald Publishing
  • Society for Case Research
  • Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research
  • Springer
  • Routledge Publishing
  • University of the Philippines Press
  • World Scientific

School of Humanities

  • The Account
  • The Adroit Journal
  • Agos: Refereed Journal ng Malikhaing Akdang Pampanitikan
  • Aguipo Global South Journal
  • Akda: The Asian Journal of Literature, Culture, Performance
  • American Poetry Review
  • Ani Literary Yearbook-Cultural Center of the Philippines
  • Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
  • Annual Review of Language Acquisition
  • Apartment Poetry
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Journal (APHERJ)
  • Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies
  • Asian American Writers’ Workshop (The Margins)
  • Asian Horizons
  • Asian Journal of English Language Studies
  • Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives
  • AsTEN Journal of Teacher Education
  • Asymptote Journal
  • Australian Poetry Journal
  • Bat City Review
  • Beloit Poetry Journal
  • Bennington Review
  • Bent Street
  • Big Other
  • Birdfeast
  • Black Warrior Review
  • Boston Review
  • Boulevard
  • Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture
  • Caliban: French Journal of English Studies
  • Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes
  • Cha: An Asian Literary Journal
  • Columbia Review
  • The Common Online
  • Concentric: Literary of Cultural Studies
  • Concilium: International Journal for Theology
  • Cordite Poetry Review
  • Crab Orchard Review
  • Crazyhorse
  • Crisis and Critique
  • Dalumat: Multikultural at Multidisiplinaryong E-journal ng Araling Filipino
  • Daluyan: Journal ng Wikang Filipino
  • Denver Quarterly
  • DIWA: Studies in Philosophy and Theology
  • Electric Literature (The Commuter)
  • English for Specific Purposes
  • English Language Teaching Journal (ELT Journal)
  • Entrada (PUP)
  • Entropy
  • Environmental Humanities
  • EVENT Magazine
  • Figure 1
  • Foglifter
  • Fonograf Editions
  • Foreign Literature Studies
  • Forum for World Literature Studies
  • Le Foucaldien
  • Four Way Review
  • Fugue
  • Glass
  • Granta
  • Griffith Review
  • Guernica
  • Guesthouse
  • Gulf Coast
  • Hapag
  • Hasaan: Opisyal na Refereed Journal sa Filipino ng Unibersidad ng Santo Tomas
  • Hayden’s Ferry Review
  • Hobart
  • ImaheNasyon: Journal on Multimedia Arts and Film
  • Indiana Review
  • Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature
  • Interim
  • International Journal of Applied Linguistics
  • International Journal of Asian Christianity
  • International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics
  • International Journal of TESOL Studies
  • International Poetry Review
  • The Iowa Review
  • Jesuit Higher Education: A journal
  • The Journal
  • Journal of Applied Linguistics/ Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice
  • Journal of Asian American Studies
  • Journal of Catholic Education
  • Journal of Catholic Social Thought
  • Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development (JCLAD)
  • Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
  • Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture
  • Journal of English and Applied Linguistics (JEAL)
  • Journal of Global Catholicism
  • Journal of Jesuit Business Education
  • Journal of Language and Literature
  • Journal of Management for Global Sustainability
  • Journal of Moral Theology
  • Journal of Religious Education
  • Journal of Second and Multiple Language Acquisition
  • Journal of Second Language Writing
  • Journal of Social Transformations
  • Journal of Society of Christian Ethics
  • Journal of World Literature
  • Journal of Youth and Theology
  • Journal of Youth Studies
  • Journal of Youth Ministry
  • Jubilat
  • Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies
  • Katipunan ng mga Pag‑aaral sa Wika, Panitikan, Sining at Kulturang Filipino
  • Kawíng
  • Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia
  • Lana Turner
  • Landas
  • Language Assessment Quarterly: An International Journal
  • Language Learning and Development
  • Language Learning Journal
  • Language Teaching Research
  • Language Testing
  • Likhaan: The Journal of Contemporary Philippine Literature
  • LIT
  • Liwayway Magazine
  • The London Magazine
  • Luntian: Online Journal para sa Malikhaing Akda ng mga Guro at Gradwadong Mag-aaral
  • Malay Research Journal
  • The Margins
  • Mascara Literary Review
  • The Massachusetts Review
  • Midwest Quarterly
  • Miracle Monocle
  • Mobility Humanities
  • Modern Language Journal (The)
  • Modern Language Quarterly
  • Modern Language Review (The)
  • Modern Poetry in Translation
  • MST Review
  • Mystagogia: A Journal of Evangelization, Catechesis, and Religious Education
  • National Research Council of the Philippines Research Journal
  • New Ohio Review
  • New Orleans Review
  • The Night Heron Barks
  • Ninth Letter
  • The Normal Lights: Journal on Teacher Education
  • Novel: A Forum on Fiction
  • The Offing
  • Pamisulu: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology
  • Pandiwa: Journal ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino
  • Paperbag
  • Paris American
  • Pelikula
  • Peril
  • Peripheries
  • Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia
  • Philippine Contemporary Art Network
  • Philippine Humanities Review
  • Philippine Journal of Linguistics
  • Philippiniana Sacra
  • Pinwheel
  • Pleiades
  • Ploughshares
  • Poetika
  • Poetry London
  • Poetry Northwest
  • Posit
  • Prairie Schooner
  • Prajna Viraha
  • Praxis: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Faith and Justice
  • Puerto del Sol
  • Quarterly West
  • Queer Southeast Asia
  • Rabbit
  • Radar Poetry
  • RELC Journal- A Journal of Language Teaching and Research
  • Research in the Teaching of English
  • Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities
  • Rumpus
  • Salt Hill
  • SAND Literature and Art
  • Santelmo Journal
  • Scientia: The International Journal on the Liberal Arts
  • Second Language Research
  • Sixth Finch
  • Social Alternatives
  • Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective (SERRC)
  • Social Sciences and Mission
  • Social Science Diliman: A Philippine Journal of Society and Change
  • Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South
  • Southeast Asian Media Studies
  • The Spectacle
  • Sporklet
  • Stasis Journal
  • Studies in Second Language Acquisition
  • Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
  • Studies in World Christianity: Edinburgh Review of Theology and Religion
  • The Suburban Review
  • Suvannabhumi: Multidisciplinary Journal of ASEAN Studies
  • Talas: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Culture and the Arts
  • TESL Canada Journal
  • TESOL Journal
  • TESOL Quarterly
  • Threepenny Review
  • Tomas: Literary Journal of the UST Center for Creative Writing and Literary Studies
  • Transnational Literature
  • Tupelo Quarterly
  • Unitas: Journal of Advanced Research in Literature, Culture, and Society
  • Verge: Studies in Global Asias
  • The Volta
  • Washington Square Review
  • Westerly
  • The White Review
  • Words Without Borders: The Online Magazine for International Literature
  • World Englishes Journal
  • Writing Presently
  • Yalobusha Review​
  • Aarhus University Press
  • Acco
  • Adarna House
  • Addis Ababa University Press
  • Allen & Unwin Book Publishers
  • Amsterdam University Press
  • Anthem Press
  • Anvil Publishing
  • Aschendorff Verlag
  • Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc.
  • Ateneo de Manila University Press
  • Ateneo de Naga University Press
  • Atlas Contact/Atlas Uitgeverij
  • Australia National University Press
  • Balangay Books - Publishing arm of Isang Balangay Media Productions
  • Basic Books
  • Bath University Press
  • Berghahn Books
  • Bloomsbury
  • Bloomsbury: Continuum, Berg and Bristol Classical Press, Hart Publishing, T & T Clark
  • Bookmark Inc.
  • Boom Uitgevers Den Haag Publishers
  • Boston College
  • Boydell & Brewer: James Currey
  • Brill
  • Brill: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
  • Bruylant Editions
  • Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Canvas
  • Carolina Academic Press
  • Catholic Biblical Association of America
  • Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines
  • Catholic University of America
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
  • Charles Scribner's Sons
  • Chatto & Windus-Penguin
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
  • Civilizacao Brasileira
  • Claretians
  • Coffee House Press
  • Columbia University Press
  • Companhia das Letras-Zahar
  • Continuum International Publishing Group
  • Cornell University Press
  • Cranfield University Press
  • CRC Press
  • Cultural Center of the Philippines
  • Dar es Salaam University Press
  • De Gruyter
  • De Gruyter: Max Niemeyer Verlag
  • De La Salle University Publishing House
  • Deakin University Press
  • Dietrich Reimer Verlag
  • Don Bosco Press
  • Duesto Publicaciones-University of Deusto
  • Duke University Press
  • Ediciones Complutense-Universidad Complutense
  • Ediciones Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
  • Ediciones Universidad de Navarra
  • Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
  • Ediciones Universitarias-Universidad de la Republica Uruguay
  • Edicions i Publicacions de la Universitat de Lleida
  • Edinburgh University Press
  • Editorial Eudeba-Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires
  • Editorial Javeriana-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and CIRAD, Bogota
  • Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Editorial Verbo Divino
  • Edward Elgar Publishing
  • El Colegio Mexiquenze
  • Elservier: North Holland Publishing Company, Pergamon Press, Woodhead Publishing
  • Emerald Group
  • Emerald Group: JAI Press
  • Equinox Publishing
  • Facultad Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales
  • Farrar, Straus Giroux
  • Fondo de Cultura Economica
  • Fordham University Press
  • Georgetown University Press
  • Giramondo Publishing
  • Hamburg University Press
  • Harper Collins Publishers
  • Harvard University Press
  • Heinemann
  • Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Hurst Publishers
  • Ian Randle Publishers
  • Indiana University Press
  • John’s Hopkins University Press
  • JV Metzler Verlag
  • Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino
  • Königshausen & Neumann
  • L'Harmattan
  • Lampara Books
  • Langham Publishing
  • Leiden University Press
  • Leuven University Press
  • Librong LIRA (Linangan sa Imahen, Retorika, at Anyo)
  • Lit Verlag
  • Liturgical Press – Wisdom Commentary Series
  • Lynne Rienner Publishers
  • Lyon University Press
  • Manchester University Press
  • Manohar Books
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Press
  • McGraw Hill: Open University Press
  • Melbourne University Press
  • Multilingual Matters-Channel View Publications
  • Namur University Press
  • Nancy University Press
  • National Commission for Culture and the Arts
  • National Taiwan University Press
  • National University of Singapore (NUS) Press
  • New York University (NYU) Press
  • Nijmegen University Press
  • Nomos
  • Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) Press
  • Nova Science Publishers
  • Ohio State University Press
  • OMF Literature
  • Orbis Books
  • Orient BlackSwan
  • Oxford University Press
  • Palgrave Macmillan
  • Paulist Press
  • Pearson: Prentice Hall
  • Peeters
  • Penguin Randomhouse: Methuen
  • Peter Lang
  • Peter Lang: American University Studies
  • Polity
  • Poznan University of Economics Press
  • Princeton University Press
  • Publicaciones El Colegio de Mexico
  • Regiospectra
  • Routledge
  • Routledge: Earthscan, Keagan Paul, M. E. Sharpe, Cavendish, Curzon, Transaction Publishers
  • Rowman & Littlefield: Lexington Books
  • Rutgers University Press
  • SAGE Publications
  • SCM Press
  • Sentro ng Wikang Filipino-University of the Philippines
  • Seoul National University Press
  • Sheffield University Press/Sheffield Phoenix Press

School of Science and Engineering

  • Annals of Geographical Studies
  • Climate, Disaster and Development Journal (OML)
  • Earth System Governance
  • The Good Society Journal- Penn State University Press
  • The International Journal of Diversity in Education
  • International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation (IJEPR)
  • International Journal of Philippine Science and Technology
  • International Journal of Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement
  • Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal
  • Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship
  • Journal of Contemporary Educational Research
  • Journal of Ecology and Natural Resources
  • Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health
  • Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries
  • Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society
  • Journal of Management for Global Sustainability
  • The Journal of Public Space
  • Journal of Service -Learning in Higher Education
  • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
  • Journal of the Geological Society of the Philippines
  • Kimika
  • Matimyas Matematika
  • Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
  • Philippine Agricultural Scientists
  • Philippine Computing Journal
  • Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences
  • Philippine Journal of Development
  • The Philippine Journal of Fisheries
  • Philippine Science Letters
  • Pisika
  • Plasma and Fusion Research
  • Progress in Disaster Science
  • Science Diliman
  • SciFed Journal of Global Warming
  • SEAMS Bulletin of Mathematics
  • SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
  • Toxicology, Pollution and the Environment
  • American Mathematical Society
  • Brill | Sense
  • Elsevier
  • Emerald
  • Routledge, specifically under their Environment and Sustainability studies
  • Sage Publishing
  • Springer (e.g. Springer handbook series)
  • Taylor & Francis
  • World Scientific

School of Social Sciences

  • Aghamtao
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • American Political Science Association (APSA) Newsletter
  • APSA Migration and Citizenship
  • Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes
  • Asia Pacific Bulletin
  • Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
  • Asia Pacific Perspectives
  • Asia Pacific Social Science Review
  • Asian Education and Development Studies
  • Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development
  • Asian Music
  • Asian Review
  • Asian Review of Public Affairs and Policy
  • Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia
  • Ateneo Chinese Studies Program Lecture Series
  • Ateneo Law Journal
  • Bandung: Journal of the Global South
  • Bonner Jahrbuecher
  • BSP Review
  • Computer Music Journal
  • Concilium
  • Consumption and Society
  • East Asia Forum Quarterly
  • East Asian Economic Review
  • East Asian Journal of Popular Culture
  • ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior
  • Empirical Economics Review
  • Ethnomusicology
  • Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement
  • Gender and Disability: The Experiences of Microaggressions Against Women with Disabilities in the Philippines
  • Girls Studies Journal (女子学研究)
  • Health and Human Rights Journal
  • IBP Journal
  • Image & Narrative
  • International Journal For Studies On Children, Women, Elderly And Disabled People
  • International Journal of Asian Christianity
  • International Journal of Community Well-Being
  • International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work
  • International Journal of Research Studies in Education
  • Japan Journal of Media, Journalism and Communication Studies
  • JATI: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
  • Journal for Community Engagement and Higher Education (JCEHE)
  • Journal of Asia-Pacific Popular Culture
  • Journal of Asian Review of Public Affairs and Policy
  • Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES)
  • Journal of Economics, Management & Agricultural Development (JEMAD)
  • Journal of Education and Teaching
  • Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research
  • Journal of Fandom Studies
  • Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies
  • Journal of Indian and Asian Studies
  • Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies
  • Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology
  • Journal of Japanese Culture and Society
  • Journal of Japanese Language Teaching
  • Journal of Management for Global Sustainability
  • Journal of Mental Health Education, Training and Practice
  • The Journal of Popular Culture
  • Journal of Popular Music Studies
  • The Journal of Public Space
  • Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education (JSLHE)
  • Journal of Social Transformation
  • Journal of Transformative Works & Cultures
  • Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
  • Katipunan: Dyornal ng mga Pag-aaral sa Panitikan, Sining, at Kulturang Pilipino
  • Keio Communication Review
  • Likhaan: The Journal of Contemporary Philippine Literature
  • Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies
  • Manga Studies (漫画研究)
  • Mechademia
  • Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCL)
  • MIMBAR: Jurnal Sosian dan Pembangunan
  • New American Studies Journal: A Forum
  • New Voices in Japanese Studies
  • Open Journal of Animal Sciences
  • PELIKULA: A Journal of Philippine Cinema
  • Philippine Journal of Development
  • Philippine Journal of Psychology
  • Philippine Journal of Public Administration
  • Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives
  • Philippine Journal of Social Development (PJSD)
  • Philippine Law Journal
  • Philippine Management Review
  • Philippine Review of Economics – UPSE and PES
  • Philippine Social Science Journal
  • Philippine Social Sciences Review
  • Philippine Sociological Review
  • PJD: Phil Journal of Development
  • PJPA: Phil Journal of Public Administration
  • Journal of Global South Studies
  • Public Policy
  • Qualitative Research Journal
  • Regiospectra
  • Review of Womens' Studies
  • RIDAS. Revisita Iberoamericana de Apredizaje-Servicio (Iberoamerican Journal of Service-Learning)
  • Silliman Journal (SJ)
  • Silva Iaponicarum
  • Social Science Diliman
  • Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South
  • Southeast Asian Affairs
  • Southeast Asian Media Studies (SEAMS)
  • Studia Politologiczne
  • Tomas
  • Trans Asia Photography
  • Transactions Journal
  • Transformative Works and Cultures
  • UNITAS Journal
  • US-Japan Women's Journal
  • Ateneo Center for Asian Studies
  • Ateneo University Presses (Xavier, Naga, Davao, and Zamboanga)
  • DLSU Press
  • Information Age Publishing
  • Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing (ISEAS)
  • Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (Max-Planck-Institute)
  • Mindanao State University and San Carlos University
  • National Historical Commission of the Philippines
  • Paulist Press
  • Philippine Institute for Development Studies
  • Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC)
  • Regiospectra
  • Silkworm
  • (Washingon D.C.) Smithsonian Insitution Scholarly Press
  • Springer
  • University of Central Florida
  • University of Santo Tomas Center for Continuing Professional Education and Development
  • University of the Philippines PRESS
  • University of Santo Tomas Press
  • Verlag Friedrich Pustet
  • Vibal Foundation (Specifically, Academica Filipina Series)
  • Wesleyan University Press
  • World Scientific Publishing

Contact us

Room 307, Faber Hall
Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Heights Campus
Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights
Quezon City 1108, Philippines

+63 2 8426 6001 local 5049