
University Agenda

The Lux in Domino: A Strategic Plan for the Ateneo de Manila University 2021-2030 describes four priority areas: Education Reform and Transformation, Integral Ecology, Universal Health and Well-being, and Bridging Cultural Divides.

Guided by this strategic plan, the AIS advocates for a deepening of our understanding of sustainability in the context of integral ecology. This priority content area draws inspiration from the Laudato Si’, which recognizes that an ecological approach is also necessarily a social approach, and that it is our responsibility to “hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor [Laudato Si’ (LS) 49].”

A socio-ecological systems approach emphasizes that communities and culture are part of, not apart from, the biosphere. The flourishing of human well-being and development is contingent on the state of the biosphere. On the one hand, societies are shaped by the conditions of their surrounding environment; on the other hand, the relationships among individuals as well as institutions also affect their relationships with the environment.  The concept of integral ecology thus integrates ecological stewardship with development that is just and inclusive. As the Laudato Si’ affirms, “It is essential to seek comprehensive solutions which consider the interactions within natural systems themselves and with social systems. We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature [Laudato Si’ (LS) 139].” Thus, the practice of integral ecology is also closely aligned with the practice of sustainability, and contribute to planetary as well as societal health and well-being.

AIS also seeks to contribute to Education Reform and Transformation by advocating for an “ecological education.” An “ecological education” is not only distinguished by content but also by form or implementation - meaning, the application of principles of ecology to systems, particularly in terms of recognizing and establishing the interconnectedness of systems. These interconnections are important in systems, so an ecological approach to stewardship could be one that more deliberately seeks to identify divides that must be bridged and connections that must be strengthened. In this sense, AIS also hopes to contribute to bridging cultural divides towards the transformation to a culture of sustainability.

Through the AIS, the Ateneo de Manila University is represented on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. We are beginning the Journey towards becoming a Laudato Si’ University by addressing the Laudato Si’ goals in our community. We hope you can journey with us!


Selga Hall, 2F Manila Observatory,
Fr. Masterson Drive,
Ateneo de Manila University,
Katipunan Ave., Quezon City
Philippines 1108



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