University Residence Halls


House Rules

General Rules

  • Electricity and Water Conservation: Switch off the lights, fan, computers, air-con, and unplug gadgets when not needed or when you leave the room. Keep faucets turned off when not in use.
  • Repairs and maintenance: Promptly report facilities-related issues and concerns to the security personnel at the lobby or through each building’s housekeeping personnel. A Facilities Issues Reporting Form (pink form), is available at all building lobbies and should be filled up and submitted to the lobby guards, to facilitate reporting,
  • Cooking and Ironing: Cooking may only be done in the pantries while ironing may be done along the hallways where ironing boards are situated.
  • Strictly no room swapping: Room change must be requested with the URH administration office, and are subject to approval.
  • Room Keys: Keep your room keys with you at all times.
  • Inform the URH administration office immediately if you lose your room keys.
  • Personal Property and Valuables: To secure your personal belongings, keep your designated cabinet, drawer, and room locked when you leave your room.
  • Smoking: The Ateneo de Manila University is a NO SMOKING campus.
  • Alcohol: The possession and/or consumption of any form of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in the URH.
  • Room Access and Inspection: Authorized URH personnel may enter and search rooms, bags or packages if they have reason to believe that:
    • There is imminent hazard to persons or property; or
    • There is a violation of public law or university policy; or
    • There is presence of contraband items though concealed from view.
  • Visitors may be entertained at the lobby area only.
  • Pets are not allowed in the dorm.

Curfew, Silence, Lights Off

  • Curfew: The University curfew period is 12:00 midnight - 5:00am, daily.Residents are expected to be in their dormitories before this time.
  • If anyone requires leaving the campus during the curfew period, they are advised to email the URH administration office no less than 2 days in advance to facilitate their exit.
  • Rest and Quiet Study Time: Please observe silence in the bedrooms and corridors from 10:00pm to 6:00am the next day.
  • Lights Off: Room ceiling lights-off is 12:00mn.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

  • Residents must observe a high standard of cleanliness in their dorm rooms including and most specially, the common toilet and shower rooms as a courtesy to fellow residents and to avoid any health issues.
  • Practice CLAYGO (Clean-As-You-Go) at all times when using the shared spaces (e.g., pantries/kitchenettes, study halls, dining areas, lobbies, hallways, etc.).
  • Observe proper waste segregation by using the appropriately marked trash bins and follow the daily trash collection schedule.

Care of the Room

  • Keep your bed and study space neat and tidy always.
  • Cleaning tools (broom, dustpan) are available at the hallways for use anytime.
  • These items must be returned to their location immediately after use.
  • Call the Help Desk or lobby guard promptly for housekeeping assistance when needed.

Health, Safety, and Security

  • Call the lobby guard promptly for any emergencies.
  • Emergency Go-Bag and health kit: Dormers are expected to keep fully-stocked Go-Bags and personal health kits at all times. The recommended contents of this Go-Bag will be listed in the Dorm Kit that confirmed applicants will receive.
  • Misuse of any security/emergency devices within the URH  i.e., emergency exit, emergency alarm, smoke detector, fire hydrant, fire hose etc., is considered as a major violation.

Violation of any of the aforementioned house rules may impact on your ability to continue your residency in the URH. Please note that the following are considered serious violations or major acts of misconduct (in no particular order) that may warrant probation or immediate dismissal from the URH:

1.    Theft
2.    Possession and/or use of alcohol, prohibited drugs, and deadly weapons.
3.    Physical assault or threat of physical injury; fistfights
4.    Vandalism
5.    Dishonesty
6.    Gambling
7.    Gross discourtesy
8.    Acts of lasciviousness
9.    Possession of pornographic materials
10.    Membership in prohibited organizations
11.    Frequent and contemptuous disregard of URH dorm rules

University Residence Halls

Cervini Hall, Eliazo Hall, University Dormitory (North and South towers)
Tel: +63 2 8426 6001 loc 5904 (office hours); 5903 (Cervini); 5924 (Eliazo); 5700, 5799 (UD)
+63 2 8426 6119 (direct line)
International Residence Hall
Tel: +63 2 8426 6001 locals 4440, after office hours 4444
+63 2 8426 7159 (direct line)