Undergraduate Programs

BS Communications Technology Management


The BS Communications Technology Management Program is an interdisciplinary program that incorporates courses from the fields of communication and information technology into the management curriculum to create leaders who are conversant with the creative processes as well as the technological tools that are an integral part of modern-day communication.

The program prepares students for corporate leadership in the areas of advertising, marketing communications, and multimedia. Graduates of BS CTM are managers that understand management, creative, and technical processes of the digital communications field.


What makes the BS CTM program different from the other Management programs of the John Gokongwei School of Management?

The program is specially designed for students who have an interest in digital marketing and communication. In an increasingly IT-enabled environment, the management foundation that you will get in the program will provide you the technical knowledge for you to thrive in any corporate setting. If you are interested in integrated marketing communications, the program will sharpen your skills and help you understand how the importance of communications for the overall health of an enterprise.

BS CTM Program Profile

B.S. Communications Technology Management Program is a 4-year degree program of the John Gokongwei School of Management. The program started in the mid 1990's with graduates now working in the marketing, communications, media, advertising, and information technology industries.

The program focuses on the management expertise of the Management Program while injecting subjects in communications and information technology to develop a more holistic manager for the industry. CTM graduates should be able to creatively communicate ideas, rooted from management and communications theory with the use of current digital tools. In the end, the students who graduate with a BS CTM degree are managers that understand both the management and the creative processes of the industry.
Program Learning Outcomes

Through BS Communications Technology Management, students will:

  • Develop a global perspective for use in nation building
  • Use interdisciplinary, analytical, and sustainable approaches to solving business problems
  • Develop technical proficiency in their areas of business concentration or major
  • Show an understanding of how to exercise personal moral and ethical standards
  • Demonstrate an understanding of transformative service leadership principles

Over and above these program outcomes, the Communications Technology Management Program has the following additional Program outcomes.
A graduate of the Communications Technology Management program should be able to:

  1. Evaluate communication programs of existing organizations
  2. Select appropriate communication tools and information technologies for an integrated marketing communications program
  3. Collaborate effectively in teams and with different stakeholders
  4. Manage the entire process, from ideation to implementation, of an integrated marketing communications program
Admission and Shifting Requirements

Incoming Freshmen and Transferees
Students from any senior high school strand may be accepted


  • Grade Requirements
    • at least 2.25 cumulative QPI
    • no F in quantitative subjects
  • Other Requirements
    • Shifting Application Form
    • Copy of grades and IPS from AISIS
    • Interview with the Program Director


Retention Requirements

BS CTM Curriculum ver 2020

End of Sophomore Year:

Minimum QPI of 2.17 in DECSC 25, MATH 30.13, MATH 30.14, ITMGT20, ACCT 115, COMM 20.03, MSYS 25, COMM 26, CSCI 130, LLAW 113, and QUANT 30

End of Junior Year, 1st Semester:
DECSC 25, MATH 30.13, MATH 30.14, ITMGT20, ACCT 115, COMM 20.03, MSYS 25, COMM 26, CSCI 130, QUANT 30, LLAW 113, ECON 110, COMM 27, FINN 115, LLAW 116, and MKTG 111

See the Retention Requirements and Guidelines file (under Curriculum section downloads) for more details.

Home Organization

The Ateneo Association for Communications Technology Management (ACTM) is the home organization for BS Communications Technology Management students of the Ateneo de Manila University. Powered by its members, Ateneo ACTM builds a community of Integrated Marketing Communications experts that advocate strategic planning and creativity in business. In Ateneo ACTM, not only do its members find a home, but they are constantly driven to move beyond ideas in everything else that they do.

You may visit their website and social media accounts for more information:


Career Prospects

Alumni Testimonials

Contact Information
BS Communications Technology Management program

Alvin Patrick M Valentin
Program Director
Rhembrandt Van Ryn E Magsino
Program Secretary
+63 2 8426 6001 local 5546