Student Life

  1. Because of the importance of student activities in student formation, all students are required to join one organization and/or varsity team.
  2. All students who join student organizations/ committees/ councils are subject to the policies on absences and tardiness set and communicated by the OSA. All organizations/ committees/ councils members and officers are required to attend all Organization Periods and other activities set by the head, officers and/ or moderator. 
  3. Because of the value of student activities in student formation, the Org Period shall be treated like any class period. As such, medical, dental, or other personal appointments shall not be scheduled at this time.
  4. At the end of each grading period, the Organization Moderator gives Activity Marks to all his/her members, reflecting each student’s level and quality of participation in the organization. Because of the diverse nature and goals of each student organization, the Organization Moderator shall discuss at the start of the school year the components of the grading system as well as the requirements from every member. Based on the student’s performance, the following Activity Marks may be given:
    1. A student is given an Activity Mark of A when he has shown an outstanding or high degree of participation and involvement in all the activities of the organization.
    2. A student is given an Activity Mark of B when he has generally shown a satisfactory degree of participation and involvement in the activities of the organization.
    3. A student is given an Activity Mark of C when he has fulfilled the minimum requirements of the organization but needs some improvement in participating in and contributing to the goals of the organization.
    4. A student is given an Activity Mark of D when he has failed to meet the minimum requirements of the organization.

The final Activity Mark is the average of the periodical Activity Marks. To be eligible for promotion to the next year level or graduation, a student should have a Final Activity Mark of C or higher. A student who receives a final Activity Mark of D must take a Sum- mer Activity Program to complete the requirements for promotion or graduation. The specific requirements of the Summer Activity Program shall be set by the OSA.