

Cooperation Agreement between the Department of Theology and the Faculty of Theology & Religious Studies  of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (KUL)

In 2021, the Department of Theology entered into a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies  which aims to foster academic relations between the two institutions. The Agreement includes faculty and student exchange,  the promotion of joint research projects of mutual interests, and the organization of various academic fora. 

KUL-ADMU Center for Catholic Theology and Social Justice (CCTSJ)

As a means of realizing its research agenda and its cooperation agreement with the KUL, the Department of Theology established a research center for the study of Catholic theology and social justice. The KUL-ADMU Center for Catholic Theology and Social Justice (CCTSJ) is dedicated to provide scholarly contributions that critically examine sociopolitical, economic, and ecological concerns in critical dialogue with the rich tradition of Catholic theology and the varied ways that tradition has been integrated with and interrogated by Filipino social, cultural, and indigenous traditions. Upholding the Ignatian core values of finding God in all things, commitment to faith and justice, and the formation of men and women for others, the center conducts research intended for better theological discernment of contemporary local and global issues in order to promote a Catholic theological response that serves the common good and signifies the proleptic presence of God’s Kingdom in the here and now. 

The CCTSJ  is intended to serve as a national platform for theological discussion of pressing societal issues. As a platform, it brings together scholars of different theological institutions, and from a variety of theological perspectives, such as contextual, liberationist, public, and political theologies. The CCTSJ provides a forum for dialogue not only between theologians of KUL and the Philippines but also with scholars of other disciplines whose contributions enrich and deepen, and even possibly make one rethink one’s theological position and discourse. Specifically, the Center will organize lectures, seminars, symposia, and conferences, and publish research work and other relevant materials that theologically tackle issues pertinent to social justice. 

National Conference for Religious Educators

The National Conference for Religious Educators (NCRE) is the annual conference organized by the Ateneo de Manila Theology Department for religious educators and catechists from all over the country.  Its aim is to share knowledge, research on current trends and best practices in the field of religious education.  Formerly known as the Ateneo Theology Refresher Course that began in 2007, its name was changed to NCRE in 2013. Each NCRE focuses on a particular theological-pastoral topic. For instance, NCRE IX (2016) has the theme, “THe Eucharist and the Family,” NCRE X (2017) on “We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe:  Celebrating 10 Years of the NCRE and 20 Years of the CFC,” NCRE XI (2018) on “Facing the Challenges of Forming Our Youth Today,” and NCRE XII (2019) on  “Teaching the Catholic Faith While Engaging Our Religiously Diverse World.”  

The NCRE welcomes 200 participants annually, teachers from grade school to college as well as catechists from different dioceses.  However, in January 2021, due to the pandemic, the 13th NCRE had to migrate online via Zoom while being livestreamed on the NCRE Facebook Page.  This allowed NCRE to reach a wider audience of more than 600 participants from all over the country.  The conference fee was likewise waived to consider the economic situation of teachers in 2021.

The latest NCRE, the 14th NCRE in January 2022, entitled, “HHWW (Holding Hands While Walking) with the Youth,” took on a different format, reflecting the spirit of synodality.  Instead of inviting a keynote speaker, four youth representatives were invited to speak about their deepest concerns, and a bishop (Bishop Joel Baylon of the Diocese of Legazpi, Albay) and a priest (Fr. Jason Laguerta of the Office for the Promotion of New Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Manila) participated as keynote LISTENERS who listened, learned, and shared their reflections in a dialogue with the youth representatives.

In 2017, on NCRE’s, 10th year, the Theology Department formally launched the League of Catechists and Religious Educators of the Philippines (LCREP), a professional association established in October 2016.  LCREP aims to provide a venue for its members to be professionally updated on current matters regarding religious education and catechesis; share resources and exchange ideas; and enjoy fellowship with one another, provide support, and build community. 
When the pandemic started, the 6 pioneer representatives of LCREP (Dr. Bernaldo Eres, Mr. Brian G. Gadingan, Mrs. Violeta S. Javier, Mrs. Teresa T. Pangilinan, and Mr. Frederick S. Perez), guided by Dr. Maria Elisa A. Borja (LCREP Moderator), held monthly two-hour “coffee sessions” on current topics of interest to religious educators and catechists, called LCREPkapihans.  These free sessions began in August 2020 with an average of 70-80 participants per kapihan.  Digital certificates were provided at the end of the session.  At present, there have been at least 15 LCREPkapihans.  They continue to be held regularly on the last Thursday of the month.

Department of Theology

3/F Horacio de la Costa Hall
Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights campus
Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights
1108 Quezon City

Telephone +63 2 8426 6001 loc. 5370 to 5372

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