Ateneo and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal 14


SDG 14


Life Below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Ateneo de Manila University's Coastal Cities at Risk (CCARPH) project collaborates with various local communities, governments, and stakeholders to engage with residents and stakeholders living in coastal cities. The project seeks to understand their needs and involves them in the planning and implementation of resilience-building activities.

The University runs educational activities in various communities to raise awareness about overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices. Some of these organizations are listed below:

  • Bantayan Island, Cebu - Bantayan Island Coastal Resource Management Council
  • Santa Fe, Cebu - Santa Fe Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council.
  • Zamboanga City - City Government of Zamboanga.
  • Palawan - Palawan Council for Sustainable Development.


News and Features

Ateneo hosts PSFBE2022 conference on freshwater science

The conference gathered at least 200 taxonomists, ecologists, conservation biologists, policy lobbyists, and biodiversity enthusiasts from all over the Philippines, as well as Singapore, Malaysia, Italy, and Germany

Traces ASIA Webinar Series IV Lecture 3 | Love, Death & Artists – New research results from the ice age hunters from Bonn-Oberkassel

Anthropological and Sociological Initiatives of the Ateneo (ASIA) and the Deep Time Archaeological Collaboratory and Cultural Resource Management Space at the Areté (Traces) in Partnership...

The President's Hour, November 2022

In this last edition of The President's Hour for 2022, Fr Bobby Yap and Dr Kendra Gotangco share some updates about Ateneo de Manila's journey...

The Biological Archive: A History of Philippine Mollusks In and Out of the Ocean

The Department of History and the Department of Environmental Science invite you to The Biological Archive: A History of Philippine Mollusks In and Out of...
