Ateneo and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal 14


SDG 14


Life Below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Ateneo de Manila University's Coastal Cities at Risk (CCARPH) project collaborates with various local communities, governments, and stakeholders to engage with residents and stakeholders living in coastal cities. The project seeks to understand their needs and involves them in the planning and implementation of resilience-building activities.

The University runs educational activities in various communities to raise awareness about overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices. Some of these organizations are listed below:

  • Bantayan Island, Cebu - Bantayan Island Coastal Resource Management Council
  • Santa Fe, Cebu - Santa Fe Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council.
  • Zamboanga City - City Government of Zamboanga.
  • Palawan - Palawan Council for Sustainable Development.


News and Features

Promoting Innovation for Sustainable Development

We invite the community to the SC Johnson Environmental Leadership Forum 2023: Promoting Innovation for Sustainable Development on May 2, 2023 (Tuesday) at the Escaler...

AIS and AUN-EEC organize a webinar on ASEAN ecosystems and environmental education

Last 12 April 2023, the ASEAN University Network on Ecological Education and Culture (AUN-EEC), housed at the Ateneo Institute of Sustainability (AIS), organized a webinar...

MCR-ADMU Climate Research webinar gleans insights from aquaculture

On 11 November 2022, the My Climate Risk – Ateneo de Manila University (MCR-ADMU) Regional Hub, which is hosted by the Ateneo Institute of Sustainability...

4th Sociology & Anthropology Undergraduate Student Research Conference | Experiences, Entanglements & Understanding of the Social

School of Social Sciences, Ateneo Department of Sociology and Anthropology present the 4th Sociology & Anthropology Undergraduate Student Research Conference 12 April 2023 8:00am-5:00pm (GMT+8)...
