Ateneo and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal 17


SDG 17


Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

Ateneo de Manila University has actively participated in the development of national government policies related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its involvement in the creation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2020-2030 is an example of its ability to collaborate with the government in policy formulation. The university is a part of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the Ateneo Institute of Sustainability serves as the host of SDSN Philippines.

To showcase its commitment to the SDGs, the Ateneo Institute of Sustainability, and later the Ateneo Innovation Center, have released a report on the University's sustainability initiatives and its contributions to attaining the SDGs 1–17 in order to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs.


Ateneo's Contribution to SDG 17: Progress and Challenges

Analyzing trends in SDG 17, research supporting sustainable development partnerships improved from 2021 to 2022 but saw a slight decline in 2023. This indicates potential setbacks in fostering effective partnerships. Relationships to support the goals were strong in 2021 but declined in 2022 and 2023, suggesting a decreasing focus on partnerships for sustainable development.

On a positive note, Ateneo actively engages in cross-sectoral dialogues on SDGs and collaborates internationally on gathering SDG data, contributing to research reports on multiple SDGs. The university also reviews best practices for tackling SDGs through international collaborations and actively partners with NGOs and local governments for SDG initiatives. However, there was a significant drop in the publication of SDG reports in 2023, indicating a potential setback or need for further investigation. Despite these challenges, Ateneo demonstrates a commitment to meaningful education on SDGs through mandatory education for all students and dedicated courses addressing sustainability within the university curriculum and for the broader community through outreach and scholarship programs.

Related Links

Sustainable Development Solutions Network Philippines


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