Office of the President

University Research Ethics Office




For Initial Applications: Ateneo Faculty, Graduate Students, Staff

Form 1 – Initial Ethics Clearance Application
Use this form to apply for expedited (minimal risk) or full (greater than minimal risk) review of research involving human participants. Check Guideline 1 (on research that requires clearance and on exemptions from review) to determine whether your research is possibly exempt from ethics review. If possibly exempt, complete the Form 4 for Validation of Exemption and submit to the UREO to validate exempt status.

Form 2 – Submission Checklist Acknowledgement
Use this form to guide you in submitting required documents for applications for ethics clearance. The UREO Office Staff acknowledges receipt of documents when complete and follows-up with applicant if not yet complete.
Form 4 – Validation of Exemption from Review
Use this form to request UREO to validate your research as exempt from ethics review. Check Guideline 1 (on research that requires clearance and on exemptions from review) to see whether your research fits any of the categories exempt from ethics review. The exempt categories are also indicated in Form 4.

Informed Consent Form Template (see below)
Use this form as a guide and template for creating the Informed Consent Form.

Research Protocol Template
Use this form as a guide and template for creating a Research Protocol document.

For Ethics Clearance Applications of Undergraduate Students and other Department-level Protocols

Form 12 – High School/Undergraduate Student Ethics Clearance Application
Use this form to apply for ethics clearance of research involving human participants at the Department level. Review Guideline 2 (on ethics review of student-initiated research such as theses or capstone projects).

Form 12.5 – High School/Undergraduate Student Validation of Exemption Application
Use this form to apply for validation of exemption from ethics clearance of research involving human participants at the Department levelReview Guideline 2 (on ethics review of student-initiated research such as theses or capstone projects)

Post-Approval Applications: Extensions and Amendments

Form 5 – Application for Ethics Clearance of Protocol Amendment
Use this form to apply for ethics approval if your previously-approved protocol is to be modified, as modifications may change the evaluation of potential risks to human participants. The proponent is advised to submit this form and suspend or postpone research activities until the amendments have been cleared.
Form 6 – Continuing Ethics Clearance Application
Use this form to apply for continuing ethics approval if data collection with human participants goes beyond the period of the initial or previous ethics approval (as indicated in the ethics clearance letter issued by UREO; typically 1 year). The proponent is advised to submit this form 45 days prior to the expiry date of the original approval.

Reporting Forms

Form 8 – Unanticipated Problem / Unanticipated Adverse Event Report Form
Use this form to report unanticipated problems and/or unanticipated adverse events (refer to definition below). This report should be submitted to the UREO as promptly as possible, or within 2 weeks of the investigator becoming aware of the problem. Unanticipated problems that are serious adverse events should be reported within one week of the investigator becoming aware of the event. The AdMUREC will decide on the course of action (including possible termination of the study).

Unanticipated problems are defined as any incident that meets all of the following: a) it is unexpected (i.e. not anticipated or reported in initial application) in terms of nature, severity, or frequency; b) related or possibly related to participation in the research; and c) suggests that the research places subjects or others at a greater risk of harm than was previously known or recognized.

Adverse events refer to any unfavorable medical occurrence in a human participant, including any abnormal sign, symptom, or disease, temporally associated with the subject’s participation in the research, whether or not considered related to the subject’s participation in the research. Serious adverse events are life-threatening or require hospitalization and treatment.

Form 9 – Progress Report Form
Use this form to report on the interim progress on protocols that have been evaluated by AdMUREC as requiring monitoring. Whether you should submit a Progress Report is indicated in the ethics approval letter issued by the UREO. The report should be submitted to the UREO no later than 30 days from the specific date or within the time period indicated in the ethics approval letter.
Form 11 – Final Report Form
Use this form to indicate to the UREO that the study has been completed. Completion indicates that there are no further data collection from human participants in the study, and that the data is being handled and/or stored in accordance with the AdMUREC-approved protocol. The final report, if deemed satisfactory by the UREC, signifies that the protocol is to be rendered inactive and archived. The final report should be submitted to the University Research Ethics Office within 30 days of completion of the study.


Doing Surveys in Ateneo the Ethical Way
A simple guide to doing surveys the ethical way.

Online Survey Preface Template
Use this as a template for the preface to your online surveys.


University Research Ethics Office

XH204 2/F Xavier Hall
Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights campus
Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights
1108 Quezon City

Telephone +63 2 8426-6001 ext 4030
Mobile +63 919 093 8386

Contact UREO