Ateneo de Manila University Basic Education is envisioned to be a Filipino, Catholic and Jesuit educational institution that forms servant-leaders who have an intimate and faithful relationship with Christ, are competent in every aspect, compassionate with others, with a well-formed conscience, and a commitment to serve the country and the global community.


Ateneo de Manila Basic Education aims to hone and enrich one’s talents and character through structures and age-appropriate opportunities guided by the Ignatian tradition and pedagogy.

grade school
Grade School
Junior High School
Senior High School

K-12 News

Ready for Retrospec7's Rides?

We’re rollin' out the excitement at RETROSPEC7! ‎Whether you’re in it for gentle spins or heart-pounding ascents & drops, our rides promise fun for all...

Traffic Bulletin: Dismissal Schedule – 11 to 15 March 2024 (CSMO Memo)

8 March 2024 MEMO TO: The University Community FROM: [Sgd] Josephy F Almosera Director, Campus Safety and Mobility Office RE: Traffic Bulletin: Dismissal Schedule –...

Promotion of Faculty in the Junior High School (Memo U2324-103)

(Memo #U2324-103) I am pleased to announce that upon the recommendation of the Junior High School Committee on Faculty Rank and Permanent Appointment and the endorsement of the Vice President for Basic Education, I am approving the promotion of the following faculty members in the Junior High School effective 1 June 2022:

Lenten Reflection: Punctuation Marks

Punctuation marks, even when they seem so small, can make a big difference. For example, the invitation to have a meal with a loved one...

Step into "The World According to Charlie Co" this 16 March at the Ateneo Art Gallery

The Ateneo Art Gallery opens its newest exhibition, The World According to Charlie Co: Drawings, Paintings, Sculptures and Mixed Media Works, this 16 March, Saturday...

Promotion of Faculty in the Junior High School (Memo U2324-100)

(Memo #U2324-100) I am pleased to announce that upon the recommendation of the Junior High School Committee on Faculty Rank and Permanent Appointment and the endorsement of the Vice President for Basic Education, I am approving the promotion of the following faculty members in the Junior High School effective 1 April 2022: