Traffic Bulletin: Dismissal Schedule – 11 to 15 March 2024 (CSMO Memo)

8 March 2024 MEMO TO: The University Community FROM: [Sgd] Josephy F Almosera Director, Campus Safety and Mobility Office RE: Traffic Bulletin: Dismissal Schedule –...

Promotion of Faculty in the Junior High School (Memo U2324-103)

(Memo #U2324-103) I am pleased to announce that upon the recommendation of the Junior High School Committee on Faculty Rank and Permanent Appointment and the endorsement of the Vice President for Basic Education, I am approving the promotion of the following faculty members in the Junior High School effective 1 June 2022:

University Legal and Compliance Office OIC (Memo U2324-102)

(Memo #U2324-102) I would like to inform the community that Atty Jaime G Hofileña, Director of the University Legal and Compliance Office (ULCO), will be on leave from 11 to 12 March 2024.

Women's Month Reading List: Fiction

Everyone has a story to tell. But in reality, not all stories are treated equally. This March, we spotlight women fictionists and their contributions to...

ASOG holds conversation on territory, sovereignty with study mission from Japan

On 28 February 2024, the Ateneo School of Government, facilitated by the Ateneo Policy Center, convened a meeting for a Japan study mission. The gathering...

Lenten Reflection: Punctuation Marks

Punctuation marks, even when they seem so small, can make a big difference. For example, the invitation to have a meal with a loved one...

University Data Protection Office OIC (Memo U2324-101)

(Memo #U2324-101) We would like to inform the community that Atty Jamael A Jacob, Director of the University Data Protection Office (UDPO) will be on leave from 7 to 8 March 2024.

Step into "The World According to Charlie Co" this 16 March at the Ateneo Art Gallery

The Ateneo Art Gallery opens its newest exhibition, The World According to Charlie Co: Drawings, Paintings, Sculptures and Mixed Media Works, this 16 March, Saturday...

Promotion of Faculty in the Junior High School (Memo U2324-100)

(Memo #U2324-100) I am pleased to announce that upon the recommendation of the Junior High School Committee on Faculty Rank and Permanent Appointment and the endorsement of the Vice President for Basic Education, I am approving the promotion of the following faculty members in the Junior High School effective 1 April 2022:

Paying it forward, one wish at a time: 800+ wishes granted via OAA’s Grant-A-Wish Project

Sometimes, wishes do come true, out of the blue. In its second year since its inception, the Office of Admission and Aid - Undergraduate Education...