Communication is a transdisciplinary field that examines the practices, processes and power of making and sharing meaning at different levels and modes. The levels of communication range from interpersonal to institutional, while modes refer to contexts of interaction, such as face-to-face and mediated. Communication builds relationships, influences understanding and motivates action.

As a profession, the field encompasses various media work and genres including but not limited to journalism, public relations, advertising, film, radio, television, sound and image production and social media. Digital media has reshaped how people communicate, generating new possibilities for interaction, engagement and action.

The Ateneo Department of Communication educates students and professionals who can navigate today’s dynamic media environment and industry. Our undergraduate and graduate  programs provide curricula that allow students to learn and practice multimedia media competences, conceptual thinking, creative imagination and ethical communication.

The undergraduate curriculum offers a well-rounded approach to the study of communication and allows students to specialize in advertising, journalism, media studies, multimedia production and public relations. On the other hand, graduate programs at the master’s level provide further professional training in journalism and communication/media studies.

The Commission on Higher Education, the Philippine government’s regulatory agency for higher learning, has designated the department as a Center of Development in Communication. Our faculty members hail from the academe and industry. Full time academic staff conduct research in the fields of digital media, journalism, popular culture, science and risk communication, sports media and media ownership. Our industry-based instructors are professionals or leaders in their respective media work and organizations.
Two centers enhance the research, teaching and outreach capacities of the department. The Asian Center for Journalism trains journalists in Asia and serves as a hub for exchanging knowledge and practices in the field. With its digital production facilities and mentoring programs, the Eugenio Lopez, Jr Center for Multimedia Communication develops multimedia communication skills of students and professionals.
Through its teaching, research and outreach, the department contributes to the University’s mission and goals to seek truth, contribute to national and regional development, and form graduates with a commitment to service, justice and improving the conditions of marginalized groups in society.
Our graduates pursue careers in media and creative industries, government, the academe, development, religious work and sectors where communication professionals are essential.