The Bachelor of Arts in Communication program offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that enables its students to engage with the constantly changing multidimensional landscape of contemporary communication and media.

The curriculum is composed of flexible tracks of study in the following fields: image and sound production, journalism, film and media studies, and advertising and public relations.

Undergraduate students may opt to specialize in any of these tracks, which consist of a progression of courses that could be customized to their interests in the field. The courses are grounded on a foundation of communication and media theory, research and ethics, enriched by approaches in creativity, innovation, and development.

The curriculum consists of three types of courses: major core courses, required communication electives, and specialized communication electives.
Major core courses are the theory, research, and practical subjects that orient students towards media and communication perspectives in all aspects of life. They are spread throughout the four year-levels of the program.
Required communication electives provide students with introductions to the four tracks of study. Students choose two of these electives to take during their second year in the program based on their areas of interest.
Specialized communication electives are then taken across the second, third, and fourth years of the program. These are theoretical and practical courses that allow students to deepen their knowledge and acquire particular skill sets in their chosen tracks.

AB Communication Tracks

Image and Sound Production

In the Image and Sound Production track, students have a choice of two required communication electives: (1) Basic Video/TV Production and (2) Elements of Screen Arts. Basic Video/TV Production focuses on the fundamentals of using the media of video, television, and film through theory, critical viewing of professional works, and laboratory activities that simulate industry practice.

Elements of Screen Arts provides an appreciation of cinema in terms of its artistic and technical elements and enables students to analyze the language of the production process. The specialized communication electives tackle additional production skills, film seminars in various concentrations, and courses focused on specific production processes, such as editing, directing, cinematography, and sound recording.

Advertising and Public Relations

In the Advertising and Public Relations track, students have a choice of two  required communication electives: (1) Advertising Principles and Practices and (2) Public Relations. Advertising Principles and Practices introduces students to the advertising industry, while integrating related principles and concepts of marketing and communication. Public Relations introduces students to the field of public relations as a managerial and communication undertaking, while sharpening written, visual, and oral skills in the conceptualization and execution of PR tools and programs.

The specialized communication electives tackle managerial, creative, and industry areas of focus in the practice of advertising and public relations, such as events management, creative functions of advertising agencies, social marketing, and crisis communication.


In the Journalism track, students have a choice of two required communication electives: (1) Introduction to Journalism and (2) Broadcast Journalism. Introduction to Journalism provides an overview of the profession and craft of journalism, serving as a foundation on which students can build future learning of journalism skills, concepts, and issues. Broadcast Journalism deals with the theory, practice, roles, and functions of broadcast journalism in a developing country.

The specialized communication electives in the Journalism track tackle additional journalism skills and issues, specific types of reporting, such as news writing, editorial writing, and feature writing, and the practice of journalism across various forms of media, such as photojournalism and online journalism.

Film and Media Studies

In the Film and Media Studies track, students have a choice of two required communication electives: (1) Elements of Screen Arts and (2) Introduction to Media Studies. Elements of Screen Arts studies the theory and appreciation of cinema in terms of its artistic and technical elements and enables students to critically interrogate media language in film. Introduction to Media Studies adopts a critical stance towards media phenomena, mediation, and the practices of power that are implicated in both.

The specialized communication electives tackle film seminars in various concentrations, advanced courses on interdisciplinary approaches to film studies, special topics seminars on culture and communication, new media and society, and audience studies.

Practicum and Thesis

Students also engage in a practicum during the intersession preceding their final year in the program, which involves professional experience in communication-related work. The program culminates with a thesis defended before a panel of examiners. The thesis is a synthesis and application of knowledge and skills acquired in the program. Students may conduct basic research on an approved topic  or develop a communication and media project.

Shifting to/Double Majoring in AB Communication

Loyola Schools students are welcome to shift to AB Communication, or to take up the degree as a second major. For those who plan to shift to or double major in AB Communication, a student must have a minimum annual QPI of 3.0. Read the guidelines for more details.

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