Department of Economics

Undergraduate Programs in Economics



Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Economics is a scientific field of study fit for those who will occupy positions of authority and responsibility in business and public life. It enables the student to have a firm understanding of the workings of the economy: the roles of business and finance, the process of economic development, and the global economic integration of countries, to name a few. The training is rigorous and practical enough to be applied in everyday life.


Program Learning Objectives

Apart from being able to do what the revised Ateneo Core Curriculum envisions them doing, the graduates of the AB Economics program should be able to:

  1. Explain economic theories.
  2. Apply quantitative methods in economic analysis.
  3. Critique current and proposed government policies affecting the economy and businesses particularly those with implications for social welfare and efficiency.
  4. Articulate evidence-based proposals or alternatives for government and business policies.
  5. Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for pursuing graduate studies.
  6. Compose analytical and empirical economic papers grounded in critical thinking.
  7. Generate project proposals for wealth creation, human capital, equity and poverty reduction.
  8. Develop intuitive and quantitative skills to improve graduates’ employability in the academe, business, government, and non-government organizations
  9. Develop sensitivity to issues of economic growth, wealth and income distribution, poverty, and the environment. 


Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Honors Program)

The Honors Program in Economics is designed for the select few who can hurdle the rigorous training in economics and quantitative methods that the program provides. It is intended for the student who wants to become a specialist and plans to have a career as a professional economist. In addition to the courses taken in the Standard program, the Honors program requires additional courses in mathematics and statistics and requires more rigorous research tooling students for graduate studies in economics.


Program Learning Objectives

Apart from being able to do what the revised Ateneo Core Curriculum envisions them doing, the graduates of the AB Economics (Honors) program should be able to:

  1. Explain economic theories.
  2. Apply quantitative methods in economic analysis.
  3. Critique current and proposed government policies affecting the economy and businesses particularly those with implications for social welfare and efficiency.
  4. Articulate evidence-based proposals or alternatives for government and business policies.
  5. Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for pursuing graduate studies.
  6. Compose analytical and empirical economic papers grounded in critical thinking.
  7. Generate project proposals for wealth creation, human capital, equity and poverty reduction.
  8. Develop intuitive and quantitative skills to improve graduates’ employability in the academe, business, government, and non-government organizations
  9. Develop sensitivity to issues of economic growth, wealth and income distribution, poverty, and the environment. 


Bachelor of Arts in Management Economics

The Management Economics program was established to offer students the option of having a balanced mix of business education and economics. While the management side trains the student in the principles of firm management, the economics component grounds the student in economic theory. This dual orientation is the main strength of the program since, as recent events have shown, business survival does not only depend on sound internal management, but also on how well one can cope with external economic forces.


Program Learning Objectives

Apart from being able to do what the revised Ateneo Core Curriculum envisions them doing, the graduates of the AB Management Economics program should be able to:

  1. Explain economic and management theories.
  2. Apply quantitative methods in economic and business analysis.
  3. Evaluate the implications on the economy and firm management of current and proposed government policies as well as their effect on organizational efficiency and consumer welfare.
  4. Analyze internal business processes including organizational, financial and marketing systems that affect the efficiency and the provision of social and economic benefits to the community and the wider market.
  5. Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for pursuing graduate studies.
  6. Compose economic and business policy papers grounded in critical thinking.
  7. Generate project and business proposals to raise employment of capital and labor that will improve the welfare of marginalized communities and the entire Philippine society.
  8. Develop intuitive and quantitative skills to improve graduates’ employability in the academe, business, government, and non-government organizations.
  9. Develop sensitivity to issues of economic growth, wealth and income distribution, poverty, and the environment.



Specialization in Financial Economics

The Specialization in Financial Economics seeks to provide major students under the Department of Economics an in-depth understanding of the working of financial markets through a set of electives that cover the specialized areas of financial economics. It also seeks to equip major students under the Department of Economics who may one day become financial practitioners and markets analysts the tools necessary to make rational choices consistent with financial system stability.



Minor in Economics

The Minor in Economics is for students who are interested in acquiring more theoretical knowledge, analytical skills and practical competencies in economics. It serves to complement other major disciplines allowing greater appreciation of current social and economic concerns.

Minor in Financial Economics

The Minor in Financial Economics seeks to provide students from other disciplines who may be very interested in the workings of financial markets a concise package of courses that covers the essential areas of financial economics. It also seeks to equip students from other disciplines who may one day become finance practitioners and market analysts the tools necessary to make rational choices consistent with financial system stability.