
Research & Creative Work

Ateneo Chinese Studies Program Lecture Series

The Lecture Series is a compilation of work published yearly by the Chinese Studies Program under the School of Social Sciences of the Ateneo de Manila University with the support of the Ricardo Leong Center for Chinese Studies. Interdisciplinary by nature, and with area studies as subject, the Journal  welcomes China and Chinese studies related articles written in English, Chinese, and Filipino.

The Ateneo Chinese Studies Program Lecture Series is available at Submissions are welcome. For inquiries, please write to


CSP Lecture Series: Call for Papers

This journal is a compilation of work published yearly by the Chinese Studies Program under the School of Social Sciences of the Ateneo de Manila University.  Interdisciplinary by nature, area studies in scope, the series welcomes articles in English, Chinese, and Filipino that focus on social, economic, political, or cultural studies of China or the Chinese.

Preparation of Manuscripts

All manuscripts submitted to CSP Lecture Series must be original works and not under consideration for any other publication. Translation into English of an particle previously published in another language may be submitted for consideration, but the author is responsible for copyright permission.

Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, including quotations, notes, and references using the APA format.


We accept manuscripts ranging between 3,000 to 10,000 words, including notes and the list of references. Longer articles may be considered in exceptional cases.


The journal follows a blind refereeing system. All references to the author’s identity must be removed from the body.

Submitting Papers

Please electronically submit your manuscript in Word file by sending via email attachment (

 A submission must include a separate page that contains the title of the manuscript; an abstract of about 100 words; a list of keywords; a brief description of the author; and the author’s institutional affiliation, postal address, institutional emal address and other contact details.


Other Publications

Chinese Filipinos

Chinese Filipinos is a must for anyone—regardless of ethnicity—who wants to know more about the world of the
Chinese Filipinos.

“There is a secret and unwritten history of a people who lived between two times, across two cultures, with divided allegiances… They were brave and bold, and instead of being pulled apart became a bridge that pulled together, and all were the richer for it.  They will not be remembered by name but only by their legacy…”

Chinese Filipinos is an attempt to begin writing that history.  It is the product of over seven years of work by countless authors, researchers, photographers, historians, and editors, most of whom worked on the project with little or no funding, inspired only by the belief that what they were doing was important and urgent and necessary.

At this moment in history, many Chinese Filipinos are searching for their identity by tracing their roots; they are trying to find their place in society by rediscovering their heritage; they are preparing for a future in which the relationship with their adoptive countrymen is changing yet again, and calls even more for mutual understanding—an understanding that has to begin with their own understanding of themselves.

This book was written as a collaboration by those who believe that the unique Chinese- Filipino heritage is not yet lost and that it is worth saving and remembering.  With this book, in these images and words, the hope is that what was muffled will be heard and what was glimpsed will emerge from the shadows—and proudly. It is a heritage that is too unique for us to allow it to be forgotten; too beautiful for it not to be shared, too precious for it not to be celebrated.

The book, sized 11x11 inches, consists of three hundred pages of text and photographs commissioned exclusively for this project. There are chapters on history, business, language and education, art and culture, and identity.  Chinese Filipinos is a collaboration of Ateneo de Manila University Chinese Studies Program, Xavier School, and Jesuit Communications Foundation, Inc.  Clinton Palanca wrote the main text, and an editorial team composed of Ellen Palanca, Jonathan Chua, and Aristotle Dy, SJ wrote most of the captions.  Felix Mago Miguel designed the book, using materials from some of the country’s best photographers, foremost of which are Jurgen Freund, Nico Sepe, Denise Weldon, and Sonny Yabao.

Chinese Studies Program

LH200, 2/F Ricardo and Dr Rosita Leong Hall
Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights campus
Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights
1108 Quezon City